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Fw::Obj Classes

1. Introduction

The Fw::Obj module contains the Fw::ObjBase base class that defines the root class for objects in the F´ architecture. In addition, it provides a definition for a pure virtual base class Fw::ObjRegistry that is used to register objects when they are initialized.

2. Type Descriptions

2.1 Fw::ObjBase

The Fw::ObjBase class is the base class in the F´ class hierarchy. It is the base class for all components and ports. It stores the object name as well as performs object registration if an object registry has been registered with the class.

2.2 Fw::ObjRegistry

The Fw::ObjRegistry class is a virtual base class for object registry. This is an optional feature that is turned on or off with the FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION macro, found in FpConfig.hpp. The concept is that an object registry provides a way to track all the objects that have been instantiated in the system. The registry can query any public functions in Fw::Object to get information on the instance. The actual method for storing Fw::Object pointers and producing data on the instances is left to the derived classes.

3. Change Log

Date Description
4/24/2016 Initial Version