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Fw::Port Classes

1. Introduction

The Fw::Port module contains the base classes for input and output ports in the architecture.

2. Type Descriptions

2.1 Fw::PortBase

The Fw::PortBase class is the port base class in the ISF class hierarchy. It is the base class for all ports.

2.2 Fw::ObjRegistry

The Fw::ObjRegistry class is a virtual base class for object registry. This is an optional feature that is turned on or off with the FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION macro, found in FpConfig.hpp. The concept is that an object registry provides a way to track all the objects that have been instantiated in the system. The registry can query any public functions in Fw::Object to get information on the instance. The actual method for storing Fw::Object pointers and producing data on the instances is left to the derived classes.

3. Change Log

Date Description
4/24/2016 Initial Version