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Fw::Type Classes and Types

1. Introduction

The Fw::Types module acts as a source of definition for types used in the architecture and in implementation code. It is meant to provide aliases to built-in types as well as a number of base classes and helper classes.

2. Type Descriptions

2.1 PolyType

The PolyType class is a polymorphic class that can hold a number of different built-in types. The user of the class can assign one of the types in BasicTypes.hpp to an instance of the class, and the value and an indication of the type will be stored. If an attempt is made to retrieve a value type other than the one stored, an Fw::Assert will be called. Fw::PolyType is a subtype of Fw::Serializable, so it can be passed via ports.

3. Change Log

Date Description
6/24/2015 Initial Version