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As an F Prime project matures, a custom time component will likely be developed soliciting time in the project directed way. For reference projects and projects in an early phase of development, this custom time component does not exist. This miss-match was historically filled by Svc::PosixTime (formerly Svc::LinuxTime), however; this requires a project to support posix.

The std::chrono library provided by C++11 is a language feature and as such can implement time without the need for posix.

This is a C++11 implementation of the TimeInterface used to supply time to the various parts of the system.


The following requirements describe the behavior of Svc::ChronoTime.

Name Description Validation
SVC_CHRONO_TIME_001 Svc::ChronoTime shall be implemented using only C++11 language features. Inspection
SVC_CHRONO_TIME_002 Svc::ChronoTime shall implement the Svc.TimeInterface. Unit-Test
SVC_CHRONO_TIME_003 Svc::ChronoTime shall provide time with resolution to microseconds. Unit-Test

Usage Examples

In order to use this component, projects must supply TimeBase::TB_WORKSTATION_TIME in their TimeBase enumeration.

To use Svc::ChronoTime in your project, make sure to set the time service with the following lines in your topology:

Add the instance to the instance list:

    instance chronoTime: Svc.PosixTime base id 0x4500

Use the instance to supply time:

    time connections instance chronoTime

Since an implementation of the time interface comes with he standard topology template, projects should replace it.

Change Log

Date Description
2024-11-25 Initial Draft