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The Svc::FprimeDeframer component receives F´ frames on its input port, takes off the header and trailer (sometimes referred to as "footer"), and passes the encapsulated payload to a downstream component (usually the Svc.FprimeRouter).

Following the F Prime Protocol frame specification, the Svc::FprimeDeframer validates the passed in Fw.Buffer to ensure it represents a valid frame (see Frame validation), extract the payload from the frame, and outputs the payload on the deframedOut output port.


The Svc::FprimeDeframer component is an implementation of the DeframerInterface for the F´ communications protocol. It receives an F´ frame (in a Fw::Buffer object) on its framedIn input port, modifies the input buffer to remove the header and trailer, and sends it out through its deframedOut output port.

Ownership of the buffer is transferred to the component connected to the deframedOut output port. The input buffer is modified by subtracting the header and trailer size from the buffer's length, and offsetting the buffer's data pointer to point to the start of the packet data.

The Svc::FprimeDeframer component does not perform any validation of the frame. It is expected that the frame is valid and well-formed. The validation should be performed by an upstream component, such as Svc::FrameAccumulator.

The Svc::FprimeDeframer does not support deframing multiple packets in a single frame (i.e. concatenated packets) as this is not supported by the F´ communications protocol.

Frame validation

The passed-in data field (of type Fw::Buffer) of the Fw.DataWithContext input port is validated for the following conditions: - The buffer is large enough to contain the header and trailer - The buffer starts with the F´ start word - The buffer length is equal to (or larger than) the packet length field in the frame header - The CRC field of the frame is equal to the CRC calculated over the frame header and payload

If any of these conditions are not met, the frame is dropped meaning no payload is passed to the output port and the input Fw::Buffer is deallocated.

Usage Examples

The Svc::FprimeDeframer component is used in the uplink stack of many reference F´ application such as the tutorials source code.


The below diagram shows a typical configuration in which the Svc::FprimeDeframer can be used. This is the configuration used in the the tutorials source code. It is receiving accumulated frames from a Svc::FrameAccumulator and passes packets to a Svc::FprimeRouter for routing to other components.


Class Diagram

    class FprimeDeframer~PassiveComponent~ {
        + void framedIn_handler(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::Buffer& data, Fw::Buffer& context)


Requirement Description Rationale Verification Method
SVC-DEFRAMER-001 Svc::FprimeDeframer shall extract the payload field from input buffers that represent a valid F Prime frame as specified by the F Prime Protocol Deframe valid frames and extract payload Unit test
SVC-DEFRAMER-002 Svc::FprimeDeframer shall deallocate input buffers that are not a valid F Prime frame as specified by the F Prime Protocol Drop invalid frames Unit test

Port Descriptions

Kind Name Type Description
guarded input framedIn Fw.DataWithContext Receives a frame with optional context data
output deframedOut Fw.DataWithContext Receives a frame with optional context data
output bufferDeallocate Fw.BufferSend Port for deallocating dropped frames