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The Svc::FrameAccumulator component accumulates a stream of data (sequence of Fw::Buffer objects) to extract full frames from.

The Svc::FrameAccumulator accepts as input a sequence of byte buffers, which typically come from a ground data system via a ByteStreamDriver. It extracts the frames from the sequence of buffers and emits them on the frameOut output port.


Overview and configuration

The Svc::FrameAccumulator accumulates the Fw::Buffer objects into a circular buffer (Utils::CircularBuffer).

The component must be configured with a Svc::FrameDetector which is responsible for detecting frames in the circular buffer. An implementation of this for the F´ communications protocol is provided by Svc::FrameDetectors::FprimeFrameDetector.

The uplink frames need not be aligned on the buffer boundaries, and each frame may span one or more buffers.

Frame detection

The Svc::FrameAccumulator receives Fw::Buffer objects on its dataIn input port. These buffers are accumulated in a Utils::CircularBuffer. Every time a new buffer is accumulated into the circular buffer, the Svc::FrameAccumulator enters a loop to detect() a frame within the circular buffer, starting at the current head of the circular buffer. The Svc::FrameDetector returns one of three results:

  • NO_FRAME_DETECTED: indicates no valid frame is present at the head of the circular buffer (for example, start word does not match the current head of the circular buffer). The Svc::FrameAccumulator rotates the circular buffer one byte and loops over to detect() again, or break the loop if the circular buffer is exhausted.
  • FRAME_DETECTED: indicates there is a frame at the current head of the circular buffer. The Svc::FrameAccumulator allocates a new Fw::Buffer object to hold the frame, copies the detected frame from the circular buffer into the new Fw::Buffer object, and emits the new Fw::Buffer object (containing the frame) on its frameOut output port. The Svc::FrameAccumulator then rotates the circular buffer to remove the data that was just extracted, and deallocates the original Fw::Buffer that was received on the dataIn input port.
  • MORE_DATA_NEEDED: indicates that more data is needed to determine whether there is a valid frame. The Svc::FrameAccumulator deallocates the original Fw::Buffer that was received on the dataIn input port and halts execution, effectively waiting for the next Fw::Buffer to be received on the dataIn input port.
    participant I as Input
    box Grey FrameAccumulator
    participant A as Accumulator
    participant D as Detector

    I-->>A: Fw::Buffer
    activate A
    A-->A: Serialize into RingBuffer
        A-->>D: detect()
        alt MORE_DATA_NEEDED
            A-->A: break
        else NO_FRAME_DETECTED
            A-->>A: ring.rotate(1)
        else FRAME_DETECTED
            create participant Z as Output
            A-->>Z: Frame
    deactivate A
    destroy O


The cleanup() method must be called to deallocate the memory used by the Svc::FrameAccumulator component safely before shutdown. This method deallocates the circular buffer that was set up during the configure() method.

Usage Examples

The Svc::FrameAccumulator component is used in the uplink stack of many reference F´ application such as the tutorials source code. The below diagram shows the canonical configuration in which it is used.


Class Diagram

    class FrameAccumulator~PassiveComponent~ {
        + void configure(FrameDetector& detector, FwEnumStoreType allocationId, Fw::MemAllocator& allocator, FwSizeType store_size)
        + void dataIn_handler(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::Buffer& recvBuffer, const Drv::RecvStatus& recvStatus)
        + void processBuffer(Fw::Buffer& buffer)
        + void processRing()


Requirement Description Rationale Verification Method
SVC-FRAME-ACCUMULATOR-001 Svc::FrameAccumulator shall accumulate a sequence of byte buffers until a full frame is received FrameAccumulator is designed to re-assemble frames from sequence of bytes Unit test
SVC-FRAME-ACCUMULATOR-002 Svc::FrameAccumulator shall detect once the accumulated buffers form a full frame and emit said frame Pass frames to other parts of the system Unit test
SVC-FRAME-ACCUMULATOR-003 Svc::FrameAccumulator shall accept byte buffers containing frames that are not aligned on a buffer boundary. For flexibility, we do not require that the frames be aligned on a buffer boundary. Unit test
SVC-FRAME-ACCUMULATOR-004 Svc::FrameAccumulator shall accept byte buffers containing frames that span one or more buffers. For flexibility, we do not require each frame to fit in a single buffer. Unit test

Port Descriptions

Kind Name Type Description
guarded input dataIn Drv.ByteStreamRecv Receives raw data from a ByteStreamDriver, ComStub, or other buffer producing component
output frameOut Fw.DataWithContext Port for sending an extracted frame out
output bufferAllocate Fw.BufferGet Port for allocating buffer to hold extracted frame
output bufferDeallocate Fw.BufferSend Port for deallocating buffers received on dataIn.