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Svc::WatchDog Port

1. Introduction

The Svc::WatchDog port is used to ping active components to verify that they are still responsive and have not hung.

2. Design

A health component in the system uses a set of ping ports to send a message to an active component. The active component is required to respond with the value in the key argument passed in the port by a certain timeout.

2.1 Context

2.1.1 Port Diagram

The Svc::WatchDog port has the following port diagram:

Svc::WatchDog Diagram

The Svc::WatchDog port has the following arguments:

Argument | Type | Description ----- | ----------- code | U32 | Code for the watchdog reset

2.1.2 Serializables

There are no serializables defined in the port

3. Change Log

Date Description
1/25/2016 Initial Version