25 this->m_length = length;
26 this->m_value = value;
32 return static_cast<U32
sizeof(this->m_length) + this->m_length);
52 serialBuffer.
popBytes(bytes, this->m_length);
58 this->m_value =
reinterpret_cast<const char*
66 toSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer)
const 71 serialBuffer.serialize(this->m_length);
80 reinterpret_cast<const U8 *>(this->m_value),
Serialization/Deserialization operation was successful.
A variable-length serializable buffer.
const U8 * getBuffAddrLeft() const
gets address of remaining non-deserialized data.
void initialize(const char *const value)
Initialize a PathName.
forward declaration for string
SerializeStatus popBytes(U8 *const addr, FwSizeType n)
Pop n bytes off the buffer.
U32 bufferSize() const
Compute the buffer size needed to hold this PathName.
uint8_t U8
8-bit unsigned integer
SerializeStatus deserialize(U8 &val)
deserialize 8-bit unsigned int
FwSizeType string_length(const CHAR *source, FwSizeType buffer_size)
get the length of the source string