6 #ifndef FW_STRINGUTILS_HPP 7 #define FW_STRINGUTILS_HPP 11 namespace StringUtils {
223 #endif // FW_STRINGUTILS_HPP FwSignedSizeType substring_find(const CHAR *source_string, FwSizeType source_size, const CHAR *sub_string, FwSizeType sub_size)
find the first occurrence of a substring
int8_t I8
8-bit signed integer
PlatformSizeType FwSizeType
StringToNumberStatus string_to_number(const CHAR *input, FwSizeType buffer_size, U8 &output, char **next, U8 base=0)
converts a string to a U8
float F32
32-bit floating point
String did not contain a valid number matching supplied base.
char * string_copy(char *destination, const char *source, FwSizeType num)
copy string with null-termination guaranteed
Base was not supplied as 0, or 2-36.
C++-compatible configuration header for fprime configuration.
A null string was supplied.
uint8_t U8
8-bit unsigned integer
PlatformSignedSizeType FwSignedSizeType
No \0 detected within the supplied length.
FwSizeType string_length(const CHAR *source, FwSizeType buffer_size)
get the length of the source string