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The build system supplies the ability to register extra targets that allow the user to register new functionality to the build system. For example, the user may wish to create a build target that counts the total number of files in the system. This would be the place to register such a target and have it available to the build system.

Targets are applied both at the global scope and per-module scope. Thus each target can provide a set of build targets (one per registered module) and a global build target. For example, a counting target might provide a count global target to count all files, and a <MODULE>_count to count the files of a given module.

For projects generating GNU make files, these targets can be executed with the make <target> and make <MODULE>_<target> commands. i.e. make Svc_CmdDispatcher_coverage.

Built-In Targets

The CMake system supplies several targets that are useful for all projects and thus are included as part of the CMake system. These targets are defined in cmake/target.

Adding Custom Targets

See the Customization Guide for a description of adding custom targets.