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Common Port Design Patterns

This guide will walk you through several common patterns using ports in F Prime.

You should be familiar with Ports, Components, and Topologies in F Prime as well as have a basic understanding of modeling in FPP. To build an understanding of these concepts, you should consider running through our Hello World Tutorial.

Common Port Patterns: 1. Synchronous Get Ports 2. Callback Ports 3. Parallel Ports 4. Synchronous Cancel

Synchronous Get Ports

Synchronous get ports are used to return data immediately from a component. These ports allow for the immediate query of data between components in an F Prime topology.

These ports can provide function-call like behavior between components that are connected together in an F Prime topology while still working within the bounds of the F Prime component architecture.

An example of synchronous get ports can be seen in the PrmDb component.

    Calling Component->>+Receiving Component: getTemperature
    Receiving Component-->>-Calling Component: Synchronous Response


When the value needed requires non-trivial work to compute a Callback Port should be used instead.

Synchronous get ports maintain the architectural distinction between components while facilitating the return of data possible like in a standard function call. However, since these port calls execute on the thread of the caller, they should not perform substantial work as that would slow down the calling component..

Synchronous get component port instances typically use a name of the form "get" to designate their function (e.g. getTemperature).


Ensuring the work performed when in the synchronous handler is as minimal as possible is crucial to prevent delays from propagating back to the caller.


Synchronous get ports are implemented using a port type with a return value:

@ Port synchronously returning an F32
port GetMyF32() -> F32

Component implementations will use a port instance of either of the synchronous port kinds (sync or guarded) and the "get" naming scheme described above.

component MyComponent {
    guarded getTemperature: GetMyF32

Finally, the port handler should be minimal often returning just returning the value of a member variable previously set.

F32 getTemperature_handler() {
    return this->m_previously_set_temperature;


This snippet used the guarded kind to ensure data member protection provided through the guarded port's mutex.


Synchronous get ports are used to return values from one component in the F Prime topology to another when little or no work is necessary to produce that value.

Callback Ports

The callback port patten is used to separate a request port invocation from a following response port invocation allowing the requestor to return to other work while the request is completed. The ports used may be of any type and may contain port arguments to communicate results.

An example of this pattern can be found as part of the Manager/Worker interaction seen in F Prime examples.

    Requesting Component->>+Receiving Component: requestTemperature
    Receiving Component-->>Requesting Component: 
    Receiving Component->>-Requesting Component: recvTemperature (Asynchronous Response)

Callback ports use two port connections between two components. The first port connection is an output port from the requester and an input to the receiver. The second port is an output of the receiver and an input back to the requester.

Command dispatch in F Prime uses the callback pattern. The command dispatch port is invoked from the dispatcher (callback requester) to a component (callback receiver). The component will callback using the command completion port sending the success/failure status of the command execution.

Callback port instances receiving the results of a request should distinguish themselves from synchronous get ports by using naming of the form "recv".

Callback ports can be of any instance kind (sync, guarded, async) but are most commonly seen with async request ports as these cannot return a value upon invocation like synchronous get ports.


The requestor side of the callback port patten instantiates an output request port instance of any port type, and an input receive port instance of any type. In the example below, Fw.Signal is used as the request type, and response port types, however; any port type may be used.

component MyRequestor {
    @ Start long-running request
    output startRequest: Fw.Signal

    @ Receive data from long-running request
    guarded input recvResponse: Fw.Signal

The receiver contains the same ports with opposing directions.

component MyReceiver {
    @ Start long-running request
    async input startRequest: Fw.Signal

    @ Send data from long-running request
    output sendResponse: Fw.Signal

Finally, in the system topology the two component instances are cross-connected.

connections CallbackPattern {
    requestor.startRequest -> receiver.startRequest
    receiver.sendResponse -> requestor.recvResponse


The callback port patten is used to separate a request from the response allowing the requestor to return to other work while the request is completed.

Parallel Ports

Parallel ports are can be used to manage a set of callback ports and other sets of ports that attach to a set of external components. The advantage of the parallel port pattern is that it makes managing the call-response across this set of components easier by ensuring that ports are treated as parallel arrays. FPP modeling provides checks for parallel ports as well.

An example of parallel ports is the Command Dispatcher where compCmdSend is parallel to compCmdReg allowing correlation between command sending and registration.

    Caller->>+Receiver 1: outgoing [0]
    Receiver 1->>-Caller: returning [0]
    Caller->>+Receiver 2: outgoing [1]
    Receiver 2->>-Caller: returning [1]

By connecting a given component from the set of external component using the same index across ports the source component implementations can correlate the messages by port index.


In order to implement the parallel-port pattern, the user should define the ports using like-sized port arrays. Parallel ports may use any kind of port (sync, async, guarded) and any port types as long as the port instance are arrays of the same size. It is best practice to define a constant to hold the dimension of the parallel port array.

The FPP modeling language provides a mechanism to automatically check parallel ports. This is called matched ports. Using match and with you can establish a parallel relationship between two port arrays. This will yield an error if matched ports are not hooked up in parallel.

In the snippet below, we implement outgoing/incoming ports using parallel ports.

@ Parallel Port Array Count

@ Outgoing parallel port
output port outgoing: [PARALLEL_PORT_COUNT] Fw.Signal

@ Incoming Parallel Port
async input port incoming: [PARALLEL_PORT_COUNT] Fw.Signal

@ Establish a model-checked parallel relationship
match incoming with outgoing

In the system topology, components should be wired to the same port index on the outgoing and incoming sides.

connections ParallelPorts {
    myComponent.outgoing[0] ->
    myComponent.outgoing[1] ->

    comp0.out -> myComponent.incoming[0]
    comp1.out -> myComponent.incoming[1]

Notice how comp0 in this snippet is is wired to myComponent's ports always using the 0th index. The same is true for comp1 on the 1st index. This allows the component to correlate the remote component via index.

In the C++ implementation this would look like:

    // Send a message to comp0
    // Send a message to comp1

void incoming_handler(FwIndexType portIndex) {
    switch (portIndex) {
        case 0:
            // Handle message from comp0
        case 1:
            // Handle message from comp1


comp0 and comp1 could be any components. The important part is that a given component's ports (outgoing and incoming in this example) always use the same index for the same remote component.


Parallel ports are useful in correlating port calls to a set of components using the port index. Parallel ports can be automatically checked using match A with B syntax in FPP.

Synchronous Cancel

The synchronous cancel pattern is used to stop work running inside an asynchronous port handler.

Asynchronous components performing long-running work inside an async port handler or async command handler may need to stop that work before it has completed. However, another async message would be queued behind the long-running work and would be unable to halt the ongoing work.

This situation can be remedied by using a sync port call to set a cancel flag, which the long-running work can poll to determine if the work should be stopped early.

An example of this pattern can be found as part of the Worker Component in F Prime examples.

    Requestor->>+Long Runner: Start Work (Asynchronous)
    Requestor->>Long Runner: Cancel (Synchronous)
    Long Runner-->>Requestor: 
    Long Runner->>-Requestor:  Work Canceled (Callback)


This pattern works equally well with sync commands allowing ground operators and sequences to cancel long-running work instead of other components.


The thread invoking cancel and the thread performing work are on different threads. Cancel flags or other shared data items must be operated on atomically.


Implementation of this pattern requires a synchronous port, perhaps using the Fw.Signal type:

@ Port used to cancel long-running work
sync input port cancel: Fw.Signal

@ Example port performing long-running work to be canceled
async input port exampleRun: Fw.Signal

The component implementation class must provide a member variable (or other mechanism) to set synchronously when cancel is invoked. Here we use std::atomic to guarantee atomicity, however; a plain member variable could also be used in conjunction with Os::Mutex to also ensure atomicity.

#include <atomic>

class MyComponent {
    std::atomic<bool> m_cancel;

The port handler of the cancel port then atomically sets a cancel flag to indicate that the long running work should stop.

void cancel_handler() {
    // std::atomic ensures an atomic set of the cancel flag
    this->m_cancel = true;

Finally, the long-running work must occasionally poll to see if cancel is set. This is shown below using a while loop . Again, use of std::atomic or Os::Mutex is critical to ensure this read (and the above write) are safe as the read/write occur on different threads.

void exampleRun_handler() {
    // Reset cancel flag before doing work
    this->m_cancel = false;

    // Loop until the work is done or the cancel request was received
    while (not work_done && not this->m_cancel) {
        ... do work ...


The synchronous cancel pattern is used to stop work running inside an async handler. It is performed by atomically setting a cancel flag in a sync handler and polling that flag during the work running in the async handler.


You should now be able to understand and apply common port patterns in F Prime.