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Getting Started with F Prime

F´ (F Prime) is a component-driven framework that enables rapid development and deployment of spaceflight and other embedded software applications. Originally developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, F´ has been successfully deployed on several space applications. It is tailored but not limited to small-scale spaceflight systems such as CubeSats, SmallSats, and instruments.

F´ has the following features:

  • Component architecture with well-defined interfaces
  • C++ framework providing core capabilities like queues, threads, and operating-system abstraction
  • Tools for designing systems and automatically generating code from systems design
  • A standard library of flight-worthy components
  • Testing tools for unit and system-level testing

Hello, World!

New users should start with the Hello World tutorial. This tutorial walks through the F´ installation process, how to create a new project and how to design, implement, and test a basic F Prime application.

Further References

Here are some additional references to continue learning about F´: