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Dynamic Memory Allocation Using Fw::Buffer

In embedded systems, dynamic memory allocation (a.k.a heap allocation) is typically avoided to reduce the steady-state variability in a running system. Avoiding dynamic memory allocation also avoids the problem of what to do in the case of a failed allocation. However, sometimes dynamic allocation provides for a simpler or more efficient solution.

Safe dynamic allocation is available using the buffer manager pattern in F´. In short, this pattern allows components to dynamically allocate memory through a port call to a component designed to manage memory for the system. There are three steps in this process:

  1. Call allocation port receiving anFw::Buffer
  2. Use allocated in the Fw::Buffer
  3. Call deallocation port providing the Fw::Buffer

Component Setup and Buffer Usage

This section will describe the work done within a component to allocate, use, and deallocate buffers.

Allocating and Deallocating Fw::Buffers

Allocation and deallocation are done through port calls to a buffer managing component. The component needing dynamic memory allocation should include two output ports:

  1. Output port of type Fw::BufferGet to request a buffer
  2. Output port of type Fw::BufferSend to deallocate the requested buffer.

In the case that allocation fails, the Fw::Buffer return from the Fw::BufferGet port will have a size of zero. Developers must check that the size is not smaller than requested before proceeding to use the memory.

In the example below, the ports are called allocate and deallocate. First the port definitions are presented followed by the usage in C++.

Example Component Definition

    @ Allocation port for a buffer
    output port allocate: Fw.BufferGet

    @ Deallocation port for buffers
    output port deallocate: Fw.BufferSend

    @ Allocation failed event
    event MemoryAllocationFailed() severity warning low id 0 format "Failed to allocate memory"

Example Component Allocation and Deallocation

    const U32 needed_size = 1024;
    Fw::Buffer my_buffer = this->allocate_out(0, needed_size);

    if (my_buffer.getSize() < needed_size) {
        this->deallocate_out(0, my_buffer);
    } else {
        this->deallocate_out(0, my_buffer);

Working With F´ Buffers

Fw::Buffer objects function as a wrapper for generic memory regions. They consist of a pointer to memory and the size of the memory region pointed to by the pointer. An easy way to work with an Fw::Buffer is to use the serialization representation of the buffer. This allows users to serialize and deserialize from the buffer's data using methods.

To use this method, get a representation using the Fw::Buffer.getSerializeRepr() and then call .serialize() or .deserialize() on the returned object.

Example Using Serialization and Deserialization Methods

U32 my_value = 123;
Fw::Buffer my_buffer = ...;

U32 my_value_again = 0;


To use this method types must inherit from Fw::Serializable or be basic types.

Users can access the Fw::Buffer's data directly using Fw::Buffer.getData(), which will return a U8* pointer to the buffer's memory. Care should be taken as this is a raw pointer and thus buffer overruns are possible.

Example Using Raw Data

Fw::Buffer my_buffer = ...;
U8* const data = my_buffer.getData();

FW_ASSERT(my_buffer.getSize() >= 4); // Prevent overrun on next line
data[3] = 1;

Full Fw::Buffer documentation is available.

Topology Consideration

There are several components designed to allow for memory allocation and they differ in terms of complexity and use cases. They both support the Fw::BufferGet and Fw::BufferSend port interface for allocation and deallocation and thus can be used interchangeably subject to the descriptions in this section.

Each section will describe any special setup needed in the topology and how to hook up the manager's ports.


Svc.StaticMemory uses a stack-based pool of memory to support allocation. This pool is composed of fixed-size regions each of which is tied to a specific client. Each client's allocation must be deallocated before a subsequent request by the same client. Since allocation and deallocation ports are port arrays, each client's allocation and deallocation ports must be hooked up in parallel.

This component is designed for simplicity of implementation. System memory usage is always the number of clients multiplied by the size of the memory regions. This memory is allocated as a large array on the stack. Valid memory allocations will always be returned or a software error will be tripped.

Svc.StaticMemory is described in more detail.

When To Use Svc.StaticMemory

Use Svc.StaticMemory in situations where memory must always be available and sharing or efficient use of memory is a concern. Svc.StaticMemory is typically not suitable for situations where asynchronous memory handling occurs between allocation and deallocation.

Usage Requirements

Since this component is designed to be simple, its usage has several caveats. These caveats are, for the most part, enforced by assertions, and thus failure to abide by them will result in software termination.

  1. Allocations will always return with the size of Svc::StaticMemoryConfig::STATIC_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_SIZE
  2. Allocations above Svc::StaticMemoryConfig::STATIC_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_SIZE is considered an error
  3. It is an error for a client to allocate memory before deallocating previously allocated memory

These rules imply that memory allocated from Svc.StaticMemory should never be sent through an asynchronous port as this will risk violating item 3.


All connections to Svc.StaticMemory are done using parallel port indices per-client. This is shown in the Topology snippet shown below:

      client1.allocate -> my_static_memory.bufferAllocate[0]
      client1.deallocate -> my_static_memory.bufferDeallocate[0]

      client2.allocate -> my_static_memory.bufferAllocate[1]
      client2.deallocate -> my_static_memory.bufferDeallocate[1]

Svc.StaticMemory does not use any other ports. Please review the configuration to ensure that sufficient regions are available for the number of clients used.

Configuration and Setup

Allocation region size is configured in the StaticMemoryConfig.hpp header using the STATIC_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_SIZE value and maximum client number is configured in AcConstants.fpp using the StaticMemoryAllocations value. No other configuration or setup is necessary.


Svc.BufferManager uses multiple bins of memory with fixed-size sub-allocations within a bin. It has a single allocate and deallocate port that may take any size allocation request. Svc.BufferManager searches all bins with sub-allocation size larger than the request for an available buffer, which it then marks as used and returns.

There is no restriction on the ordering of calls for allocation and deallocation. Clients may have multiple outstanding allocations and thus asynchronous usage of these allocations is supported.

For more details, see the Svc.BufferManager SDD.

When To Use Svc.BufferManager

Svc.BufferManager must be used when asynchronous handling of memory is needed or sharing of memory is desired. It can be used generically but comes at the cost of complexity of implementation and setup.

Usage Requirements

Allocating more memory than available will result in buffers with size 0 being returned and is not an error. However, buffers must be allocated and returned using the same instance of Svc.BufferManager.

Buffer manager will assert under the following conditions: 1. A returned buffer has the incorrect manager ID (returned to the wrong instance). 2. A returned buffer has an incorrect buffer ID (invalid buffer returned). 3. A returned buffer is returned with a correct buffer ID but hasn't already been allocated. 4. A returned buffer has an indicated size larger than originally allocated. 5. A returned buffer has a pointer outside the region originally allocated.


All connections to Svc.BufferManager can be done using the single pair of allocate and deallocate ports. This is shown in the following snippet of a topology:

      client1.allocate -> my_buffer_manager.bufferGetCallee
      client1.deallocate -> my_buffer_manager.bufferSendIn

      client2.allocate -> my_buffer_manager.bufferGetCallee
      client2.deallocate -> my_buffer_manager.bufferSendIn

The buffer manager should also be hooked up to a rate group used to downlink telemetry and it requires standard telemetry, events, and time connections.

Configuration and Setup

The number of sub allocations is configured in the BufferManagerComponentImplCfg.hpp header using the BUFFERMGR_MAX_NUM_BINS value.

When using Svc.BufferManager the Svc::BufferManagerComponentImpl.setup() method must be called supplying a U16 manager ID, a buffer id, an implementation of Fw::MemAllocator used to allocate memory for the sub-allocations, and a Svc::BufferManagerComponentImpl::BufferBins struct configuring the sub allocations.

The Svc::BufferManagerComponentImpl::BufferBins is a table specifying N buffers of M size per bin. Up to MAX_NUM_BINS bins can be specified. The table is copied when setup() is called, so it does not need to be retained after the call.

The rules for specifying bins: 1. For each bin (BufferBins.bins[n]), specify the size of the buffers (bufferSize) in the bin and how many buffers for that bin (numBuffers). 2. The bins must be ordered based on an increasing bufferSize to allow BufferManager to search for available buffers. When receiving a request for a buffer, the component will search for the first buffer from the bins that are equal to or greater than the requested size, starting at the beginning of the table. 3. Any unused bins should have numBuffers set to 0. 4. A single bin can be specified if a single size is needed.


a pointer to the Fw::MemAllocator used in setup() is stored for later memory cleanup. The instance of the allocator must persist beyond calling the cleanup() function or the destructor of BufferManager if cleanup() is not called. If a project-specific manual memory allocator is not needed, Fw::MallocAllocator can be used to supply heap allocated memory.

Example Setup of Svc.BufferManager

Fw::MallocAllocator allocator;
Svc::BufferManagerComponentImpl my_buffer_manager;

    Svc::BufferManager::BufferBins my_bins;
    memset(&my_bins, 0, sizeof(my_bins)); // All non-specified bins are zero

    my_bins.bins[0].bufferSize = 1024; // Buffers in bin 0 are of size 1024
    my_bins.bins[0].numBuffers = 2; // Two buffers of size 1024 are available in bin 0
    my_bins.bins[1].bufferSize = 10240; // Buffers in bin 1 are of size 10240
    my_bins.bins[1].numBuffers = 1; // One buffers of size 10240 are available in bin 1

    my_buffer_manager.setup(123, 0, allocator, my_bins);


Rules of Thumb for Bin Sizes

Buffers bins should be tailored based on expected usage. If many small requests are expected, then set up a large number of smaller bins. If larger allocations are expected, set bins of that size.

The above trivial example allows for a few small allocations and one large allocation. In this case, there is a risk that the large allocation is used for the small allocation use case and thus care should be taken to ensure that the smaller use cases have a sufficient number of buffers to prevent stealing of larger allocations.

Separation of Fw::Buffer Allocation and Deallocation

There is no requirement that the allocating component and the deallocating component are the same. Thus components may be chained together for multiple processing steps before deallocation. There are two requirements:

  1. Fw::Buffers must eventually be returned to the instance that allocated them
  2. Svc.StaticMemory cannot be used in chains involving asynchronous calls

Inter-component connections typically use the same Fw.BufferSend port to pass the buffer along the chain. A sample chain is shown here using Svc.BufferManager as the allocation source.

      comp1.allocate -> my_buffer_manager.bufferGetCallee
      comp1.sendToProcess -> comp2.process
      comp2.sendToProcessMore -> comp3.processMore
      comp3.deallocate -> my_buffer_manager.bufferSendIn