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settings.ini: Build Settings Configuration

In many circumstances, it is useful to set default values for the build as well as configure external locations for F´ to use external code. The settings.ini file allows users to set various settings to control the build.

In this document:


The changes to the settings.ini file only take effect during the fprime-util generate step, and thus builds must be regenerated after a change.

settings.ini Settings

The settings.ini file is written in the INI format as interpreted by the default settings of the Python configparser module. Should a user were to reference another key, the %(other key)s syntax should be used. The full format description is available here:

This file is expected in the directory of an F´ deployment and affects only the deployment it is defined in. This directory is the same directory that contains the project's base CMakeLists.txt (has a project() call).


The changes to the settings.ini file only take effect during the fprime-util generate step, and thus builds must be regenerated after a change.

fprime Section

The [fprime] section defines settings for the F´ build.

These settings include:

  • project_root: path to the root of the fprime project
  • framework_path: Path to the F´ framework root
  • library_locations: Paths to additional F´ libraries and components. Multiple paths can be specified with the : separator. Ex: ../library1:../library2
  • default_toolchain: Default platform to build against. Defaults to native, or the host computer platform.
  • default_ut_toolchain: Default platform to build unit tests against. Defaults to native, or the host computer platform.
  • environment_file: An ini file that can be used to set environmental variables during the build process.
  • config_directory: Path to configuration header directory.

Platform Sections

Some settings may be overridden for specific platforms using specific platform sections. These sections have the same name as the platform and may set the following settings:

  1. config_directory
  2. install_destination
  3. environment_file

These settings only apply when building for the specified platform.

Example settings.ini

This settings.ini file comes from the fprime-sphinx deployment, which is a standard standalone deployment where the F´ framework and libraries are included as git submodules at the top level.

project_root: ..
framework_path: ../fprime
library_locations: ../fprime-vxworks:../fprime-sphinx-drivers:../fprime-jplffs
default_toolchain: gr712-vxworks6
environment_file: ../fprime-vxworks/cmake/env/VxWorks-GR712.ini
config_directory: ./config

config_directory: Cfg_gr712

Example Environment Ini File

The format for the environment file option is similar to settings.ini Each key in the file will be set as an environmental variable for the project build.

LINK_BIN_PRE_FLAGS=-r -nostdlib -Wl,-X