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Software Bill Of Materials Generation

A software bill of materials is a record of the software that constitutes a product. F Prime will automatically generate a Bill of Materials for a your project as part of the build system. Generation requires the syft tool to be installed.

Running Software Bill of Materials

To generate the software bill of material you must first install syft. Follow the instruction in the README to install syft and ensure that it is on the PATH.

Once syft is installed the path, your software bill of materials will be installed in the build-artifacts/ folder.

Details and Idiosyncrasies

F Prime uses the spdx-json format for the bill of materials using the syft tool. It will capture software tools installed in the filesystem rooted at the project root. This will include python installations, requirements.txt packages, and various other tools detectable by syft.

To see the full catalog run syft cataloger list.


cmake and your C++ compiler are not likely installed within the project file system. To generate a bill of materials including these external tools, you will need to build a container to build your product and scan that container.

Scanning for Vulnerabilities

To scan for vulnerabilities in the bill of materials, you must first install grype. Follow the instructions in the README to install grype and ensure it is on the PATH.

Once grype is installed, you can scan the bill of materials using the following command.

grype ./build-artifacts/*_sbom.json


grype is just one tool to look for vulnerabilities in your project. Vulnerabilities may be found by other means.