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Fw::PrmGet / PrmSet Ports

1. Introduction

The Fw::PrmGet port is used to retrieve a parameter value from storage. The parameter ID and a target buffer for the value is passed as arguments, and a status indicating the validity of the value is returned.

The Fw::PrmSet port is used to update parameter values. The parameter ID and a buffer with the value is passed as arguments.

2. Design

2.1 Context

2.1.1 Port Diagram

The Fw::PrmGet port has the following port diagram:

Fw::PrmGet Diagram

The Fw::PrmGet port has the following return values:

Value Description
PARAM_UNINIT Used only in component; indicates parameter hasn't been initialized yet, i.e. loadParameters() call was never made
PARAM_VALID Parameter was successfully retrieved from storage; returned by port call and used in component
PARAM_INVALID Parameter was not successfully retrieved from storage; returned by port call and used in component
PARAM_DEFAULT Default value was used for parameter if specified. Used only in component to indicate PARAM_INVALID was returned by port so default was needed

The Fw::PrmSet port has the following port diagram:

Fw::PrmSet Diagram

2.1.2 Serializables Fw::PrmBuffer

The Fw::PrmBuffer class represents a buffer to store a serialized parameter value.

3. Change Log

Date Description
6/23/2015 Initial Version