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Svc::ComQueue (Active Component)

1. Introduction

Svc::ComQueue is an F´ active component that functions as a priority queue of buffer types. Messages are dequeued and forwarded when a Fw::Success::SUCCESS signal is received in order of priority. Fw::Success::FAILURE signals result in the queues being paused until a following Fw::Success::SUCCESS signal.

Svc::ComQueue is configured with a queue depth and queue priority for each incoming Fw::Com and Fw::Buffer port by passing in a configuration table at initialization. Queued messages from the highest priority source port are serviced first and a round-robin algorithm is used to balance between ports of shared priority.

Svc::ComQueue is designed to act alongside instances of the communication adapter interface and implements the communication queue protocol.

2. Assumptions

  1. Incoming buffers to a given port are in priority order
  2. Data is considered to be successfully sent when a Fw::Success::SUCCESS signal was received
  3. The com adapter is responsible for any retransmission of failed data
  4. The system includes downstream components implementing the communications adapter

3. Requirements

Requirement Description Rationale Verification Method
SVC-COMQUEUE-001 Svc::ComQueue shall queue Fw::Buffer and Fw::ComBuffer received on incoming ports. The purpose of the queue is to store messages. Unit Test
SVC-COMQUEUE-002 Svc::ComQueue shall output exactly one Fw::Buffer or Fw::ComBuffer message on a received Fw::Success::SUCCESS signal. Svc::ComQueue obeys the communication adapter interface protocol. Unit Test
SVC-COMQUEUE-003 Svc::ComQueue shall pause sending on the Fw::Success::FAILURE and restart on the next Fw::Success::SUCCESS signal. Svc::ComQueue should not sent to a failing communication adapter. Unit Test
SVC-COMQUEUE-004 Svc::ComQueue shall have a configurable number of Fw::Com and Fw::Buffer input ports. Svc::ComQueue should be adaptable for a number of projects. Inspection
SVC-COMQUEUE-005 Svc::ComQueue shall select and send the next priority Fw::Buffer and Fw::ComBuffer message in response to Fw::Success::SUCCESS. Svc::ComQueue obeys the communication adapter interface protocol. Unit test
SVC-COMQUEUE-006 Svc::ComQueue shall periodically telemeter the number of queued messages per-port in response to a run port invocation. Svc::ComQueue should provide useful telemetry. Unit Test
SVC-COMQUEUE-007 Svc::ComQueue shall emit a queue overflow event for a given port when the configured depth is exceeded. Messages shall be discarded. Svc::ComQueue needs to indicate off-nominal events. Unit Test
SVC-COMQUEUE-008 Svc::ComQueue shall implement a round robin approach to balance between ports of the same priority. Allows projects to balance between a set of queues of similar priority. Unit Test
SVC-COMQUEUE-009 Svc::ComQueue shall keep track and throttle queue overflow events per port. Prevents a flood of queue overflow events. Unit test

4. Design

The diagram below shows the Svc::ComQueue component.


4.1. Ports

Svc::ComQueue has the following ports:

Kind Name Port Type Usage
output comQueueSend Fw.Com Fw::ComBuffer output port
output buffQueueSend Fw.BufferSend Fw::Buffer output port
output deallocate Fw.BufferSend Port for deallocating Fw::Buffer on queue overflow
async input comStatusIn Fw.SuccessCondition Port for receiving the status signal
async input comQueueIn [ComQueueComPorts] Fw.Com Port array for receiving Fw::ComBuffers
async input buffQueueIn [ComQueueBufferPorts] Fw.BufferSend Port array for receiving Fw::Buffers
async input run Svc.Sched Port for scheduling telemetry output
event Log Fw.Log Port for emitting events
text event LogText Fw.LogText Port for emitting text events
time get Time Fw.Time Port for getting the time
telemetry Tlm Fw.Tlm Port for emitting telemetry

4.2. State

Svc::ComQueue maintains the following state: 1. m_queues: An array of Types::Queue used to queue per-port messages. 2. m_prioritizedList: An instance of Svc::ComQueue::QueueMetadata storing the priority-order queue metadata. 3. m_state: Instance of Svc::ComQueue::SendState representing the state of the component. See: 4.3.1 State Machine 4. m_throttle: An array of flags that throttle the per-port queue overflow messages.

4.2.1 State Machine

The Svc::ComQueue component runs the following state machine. It has two states:

State Description
WAITING Svc::ComQueue is waiting on SUCCESS before attempting to send an available buffer
READY Svc::ComQueue had no queued buffers and will send the next buffer immediately when received

The state machine will transition between states when a status is received and will transition from READY when a new buffer is received. FAILURE statuses keep the Svc::ComQueue in WAITING state whereas a SUCCESS status will either send a buffer and transition to WAITING or will have no buffers to send and will transition into READY state. Buffers are queued when in WAITING state.

Svc::ComQueue Functional State Machine

4.3 Model Configuration

Svc::ComQueue has the following constants, that are configured in AcConstants.fpp: 1. ComQueueComPorts: number of ports of Fw.Com type in the comQueueIn port array. 2. ComQueueBufferPorts: number of ports of Fw.BufferSend type in the buffQueueIn port array.

4.4 Runtime Setup

To set up an instance of ComQueue, the following needs to be done: 1. Call the constructor and the init method in the usual way for an F Prime active component. 2. Call the configure method, passing in an array of QueueConfiguration type, the size of the array, and an allocator of Fw::MemAllocator. The configure method foes the following:

  1. Ensures that the total size and config size are the same value
  2. Ensures that priority values range from 0 to the total size value
  3. Ensures that every entry in the queue containing the prioritized order of the com buffer and buffer data have been initialized.
  4. Ensures that there is enough memory for the com buffer and buffer data we want to process

4.5 Port Handlers

4.5.1 buffQueueIn

The buffQueueIn port handler receives an Fw::Buffer data type and a port number. It does the following: 1. Ensures that the port number is between zero and the value of the buffer size 2. Enqueue the buffer onto the m_queues instance 3. Returns a warning if m_queues is full

In the case where the component is already in READY state, this will process the queue immediately after the buffer is added to the queue.

4.5.2 comQueueIn

The comQueueIn port handler receives an Fw::ComBuffer data type and a port number. It does the following: 1. Ensures that the port number is between zero and the value of the com buffer size 2. Enqueue the com buffer onto the m_queues instance 3. Returns a warning if m_queues is full

In the case where the component is already in READY state, this will process the queue immediately after the buffer is added to the queue.

4.5.3 comStatusIn

The comStatusIn port handler receives a Fw::Success status. This triggers the component's state machine to change state. For a full description see 4.2.1 State Machine.

4.5.4 run

The run port handler does the following: 1. Report the high-water mark for each queue since last run invocation via telemetry 2. Clear each queue's high-water mark

4.6 Telemetry

Name Type Description
comQueueDepth Svc.ComQueueDepth High-water mark depths of queues handling Fw::ComBuffer
buffQueueDepth Svc.BuffQueueDepth High-water mark depths of queues handling Fw::Buffer

4.7 Events

Name Description
QueueOverflow WARNING_HI event triggered when a queue can no longer hold the incoming message

4.8 Helper Functions

4.8.1 sendComBuffer

Stores the com buffer message, sends the com buffer message on the output port, and then sets the send state to waiting.

4.8.2 sendBuffer

Stores the buffer message, sends the buffer message on the output port, and then sets the send state to waiting.

4.8.3 processQueue

In a bounded loop that is constrained by the total size of the queue that contains both buffer and com buffer data, do:

  1. Check if there are any items on the queue, and continue with the loop if there are none.
  2. Store the entry point of the queue based on the index of the array that contains the prioritized data.
  3. Compare the entry index with the value of the size of the queue that contains com buffer data.
    1. If it is less than the size value, then invoke the sendComBuffer function.
    2. If it is greater than the size value, then invoke the sendBuffer function.
  4. Break out of the loop, but enter a new loop that starts at the next entry and linearly swap the remaining items in the prioritized list.