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Svc::PosixTime Component

1. Introduction

The Svc::PosixTime is a component that provides system time on Posix systems. It implements the Time interface.

2. Requirements

Requirement Description Verification
SVC-POSIX-TIME-001 Svc::PosixTime shall return current system time as an Fw::Time objects in response to the timeGetPort port call Unit Test

3. Design

Svc::PosixTime has a single port. It has no data types, commands, events, telemetry channels, nor substantial algorithms.

3.1 Ports

Port Kind Data Type Description
timeGetPort sync input Fw.Time Port returning current system design

7. Change Log

Date Description
4/20/2017 Initial Version
10/12/2023 Reworked into Svc::PosixTime