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Dispatches command sequences to available command sequencers, allowing the spacecraft controllers to run multiple sequences at once without having to manually manage which CmdSequencers those sequences run on.


  • Call the RUN command just like you would call it on a CmdSequencer
  • If any connected CmdSequencer is available, it will route the sequence to the first one it finds
  • RUN can be made blocking or non-blocking, just like CmdSequencer's RUN

State diagram

State diagram of the SeqDispatcher

Port Descriptions

|Type| Name | Description | |async input|seqRunIn|Equivalent to the RUN cmd, dispatches a sequence to the first available sequencer| |output|seqRunOut|This is used by the SeqDispatcher to send sequence run calls to sequencers| |async input|seqDoneIn|Called by a command sequencer whenever it has finished any sequence| |async input|seqStartIn|Called by a command sequencer whenever it starts any sequence|


| Name | Description | |RUN|Dispatches a sequence to the first available sequencer| |LOG_STATUS|Logs via Events the state of each connected command sequencer|


| Name | Description | |InvalidSequencer|The given sequencer index is invalid for an unspecified reason| |NoAvailableSequencers|There are no available sequencers to dispatch a sequence to| |UnknownSequenceFinished|We received a call to seqDoneIn that didn't have a corresponding seqStartIn call| |UnexpectedSequenceStarted|We received a call to seqStartIn but we didn't receive a call to seqDoneIn before that| |LogSequencerStatus|Shows the current state and sequence filename for a particular sequencer. Produced by the LOG_STATUS command|


| Name | Description | |dispatchedCount|Number of sequences dispatched| |errorCount|Number of sequences dispatched that returned an error. Note: if a sequence was run in non-blocking mode, even if the sequence errors out, this error count will never increase| |sequencersAvailable|Number of sequencers ready to run a sequence|

Unit Tests

Add unit test descriptions in the chart below | Name | Description | |testDispatch|Tests the basic dispatch functionality of the SeqDispatcher| |testLogStatus|Tests the LOG_STATUS command|


Add requirements in the chart below | Name | Description | Validation | |---|---|---| |---|---|---|