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Svc::TlmPacketizer Component

1. Introduction

The Svc::TlmPacketizer Component is used to store telemetry values written by other components. The values are stored in serialized form. TlmPacketizer differs from Svc::TlmChan in that it stores telemetry in defined packets instead of streaming the updates as they come. The defined packets are passed in as a table to the setPacketList() public method. When telemetry updates are passed to the component, they are placed at the offset in a packet buffer defined by the table. When the run() port is called, all the defined packets are sent to the output port with the most recent . This is meant to replace Svc::TlmCham for use cases where a more compact packet format is desired. The disadvantage is that all channels are pushed whether or not they have been updated.

2. Requirements

The requirements for Svc::TlmPacketizer are as follows:

Requirement Description Verification Method
TPK-001 The Svc::TlmPacketizer component shall provide an interface to submit telemetry Unit Test
TPK-002 The Svc::TlmPacketizer component shall time tag each packet Unit Test
TPK-003 The Svc::TlmPacketizer component shall keep the latest value of each channel Unit Test
TPK-004 The Svc::TlmPacketizer component shall uniquely identify each packet Unit Test
TPK-005 The Svc::TlmPacketizer component shall write all packets when the scheduler call is made Unit Test

3. Design

3.1 Context

3.1.1 Component Diagram

The Svc::TlmPacketizer component has the following component diagram:

Svc::TlmPacketizer Diagram

3.1.2 Ports

The Svc::TlmChan component uses the following port types:

Port Data Type Name Direction Kind Usage
Svc::Sched Run Input Asynchronous Execute a cycle to write changed telemetry channels
Fw::Tlm TlmRecv Input Synchronous Input Update a telemetry channel
Fw::Com PktSend Output n/a Write a set of packets with updated telemetry

3.2 Functional Description

The Svc::TlmPacketizer component has an input port TlmRecv that receives channel updates from other components in the system. These calls from the other components are made by the component implementation classes, but the generated code in the base classes takes the type specific channel value and serializes it, then makes the call to the output port. The Svc::TlmPacketizer component can then store the channel value as generic data. The channel ID is used to look up offsets for the channel in each of the defined packets. A channel can be defined in more than one packet. The time tag is stripped from the incoming telemetry value. The time tag of the channel will become the time tag of the entire frame when it is sent.

The implementation uses a hashing function to find the location of telemetry channels that is tuned in the configuration file TlmPacketizerImplCfg.hpp. See section 3.5 for description.

When a call to the Run() interface is called, the packet writes are locked and all the packets are copied to a second set of packets. Once the copy is complete, the packets writes are unlocked. The destination packet set gets updated with the current time tag and are sent out the pktSend() port.

3.3 Scenarios

3.3.1 External User Option

3.4 State

Svc::TlmPacketizer has no state machines.

3.5 Algorithms

In order to speed up lookups for storing and reading telemetry channels, a simple hash function is used to select a location in an array of hash table slots. A configuration value in TlmPacketizerImplCfg.h defines a set of hash buckets to store the telemetry values. The number of buckets has to be at least as large as the number of telemetry channels defined in the system. The number of channels in the system can be determined by invoking make comp_report_gen from the deployment directory. The number of has table slots TLMPACKETIZER_NUM_TLM_HASH_SLOTS and the hash value TLMPACKETIZER_HASH_MOD_VALUE in the configuration file can be varied to balance the amount of memory for slots versus the distribution of buckets to slots. See TlmPacketizerImplCfg.h for a procedure on how to tune the algorithm.

4. Dictionaries

5. Module Checklists

6. Unit Testing

To see unit test coverage run fprime-util check --coverage

7. Change Log

Date Description
12/14/2017 Initial version