27 m_cycleStarted(false),
40 this->m_numContexts = numContexts;
43 this->m_contexts[entry] = contexts[entry];
51 void ActiveRateGroup::preamble() {
62 this->m_cycleStarted =
81 if (cycleTime > this->m_maxTime) {
82 this->m_maxTime = cycleTime;
90 if (this->m_cycleStarted) {
94 this->m_overrunThrottle++;
99 if (this->m_overrunThrottle > 0) {
100 this->m_overrunThrottle--;
111 this->m_cycleStarted =
114 void ActiveRateGroup::PingIn_handler(
NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 key) {
number of elements in an array
C++-compatible configuration header for fprime configuration.
Status getDiffUsec(const RawTime &other, U32 &result) const
Calculate the difference in microseconds between two RawTime objects.
Status now() override
Get the current time.
Auto-generated base for ActiveRateGroup component.
void tlmWrite_RgMaxTime(U32 arg, Fw::Time _tlmTime=Fw::Time())
void tlmWrite_RgCycleSlips(U32 arg, Fw::Time _tlmTime=Fw::Time())
void log_DIAGNOSTIC_RateGroupStarted() const
void RateGroupMemberOut_out(FwIndexType portNum, U32 context)
Invoke output port RateGroupMemberOut.
FwIndexType getNum_RateGroupMemberOut_OutputPorts() const
bool isConnected_RateGroupMemberOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_WARNING_HI_RateGroupCycleSlip(U32 cycle) const
void PingOut_out(FwIndexType portNum, U32 key)
Invoke output port PingOut.
void configure(NATIVE_INT_TYPE contexts[], NATIVE_INT_TYPE numContexts)
ActiveRateGroup configuration function.
ActiveRateGroup destructor.
ActiveRateGroup(const char *compName)
ActiveRateGroup constructor.
Number of overruns allowed before overrun event is throttled.