13#ifndef TcpServerComponentImpl_HPP
14#define TcpServerComponentImpl_HPP
PlatformSizeType FwSizeType
Helper base-class for setting up Berkeley sockets.
Status returned by the send call.
supports a task to read a given socket adaptation
Auto-generated base for TcpServer component.
Destroy the component.
SocketIpStatus startup()
startup the server socket for communications
void connected() override
called when the IPv4 system has been connected
U16 getListenPort()
get the port being listened on
void terminate()
terminate the server socket
SocketIpStatus configure(const char *hostname, const U16 port, const U32 send_timeout_seconds=SOCKET_SEND_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, const U32 send_timeout_microseconds=SOCKET_SEND_TIMEOUT_MICROSECONDS, FwSizeType buffer_size=1024)
Configures the TcpServer settings but does not open the connection.
IpSocket & getSocketHandler() override
returns a reference to the socket handler
void sendBuffer(Fw::Buffer buffer, SocketIpStatus status) override
sends a buffer to be filled with data
bool isStarted()
is started
void readLoop() override
read from the socket, overridden to start and terminate the server socket
Fw::Buffer getBuffer() override
returns a buffer to fill with data
Helper for setting up Tcp using Berkeley sockets as a server.
Status enumeration for socket return values.