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F´ Flight Software - C/C++ Documentation
A framework for building embedded system applications to NASA flight quality standards.
Auto-generated base for FileDownlink component. More...
#include <Svc/FileDownlink/FileDownlinkComponentAc.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
void | init (FwSizeType queueDepth, FwEnumStoreType instance=0) |
Initialize FileDownlinkComponentBase object. | |
Fw::InputCmdPort * | get_cmdIn_InputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
Svc::InputSchedPort * | get_Run_InputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
Svc::InputSendFileRequestPort * | get_SendFile_InputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
Fw::InputBufferSendPort * | get_bufferReturn_InputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
Svc::InputPingPort * | get_pingIn_InputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
void | set_cmdRegOut_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputCmdRegPort *port) |
Connect port to cmdRegOut[portNum]. | |
void | set_cmdResponseOut_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputCmdResponsePort *port) |
Connect port to cmdResponseOut[portNum]. | |
void | set_eventOut_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputLogPort *port) |
Connect port to eventOut[portNum]. | |
void | set_timeCaller_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputTimePort *port) |
Connect port to timeCaller[portNum]. | |
void | set_tlmOut_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputTlmPort *port) |
Connect port to tlmOut[portNum]. | |
void | set_FileComplete_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum, Svc::InputSendFileCompletePort *port) |
Connect port to FileComplete[portNum]. | |
void | set_bufferSendOut_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputBufferSendPort *port) |
Connect port to bufferSendOut[portNum]. | |
void | set_pingOut_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum, Svc::InputPingPort *port) |
Connect port to pingOut[portNum]. | |
void | regCommands () |
Register commands with the Command Dispatcher. | |
![]() | |
void | start (Os::Task::ParamType priority=Os::Task::TASK_DEFAULT, Os::Task::ParamType stackSize=Os::Task::TASK_DEFAULT, Os::Task::ParamType cpuAffinity=Os::Task::TASK_DEFAULT, Os::Task::ParamType identifier=Os::Task::TASK_DEFAULT) |
called by instantiator when task is to be started | |
void | exit () |
exit task in active component | |
Os::Task::Status | join () |
Join the thread. | |
DEPRECATED (Os::Task::Status join(void **value_ptr), "Switch to .join()") | |
Join to thread with discarded value_ptr. | |
![]() | |
void | setIdBase (const U32) |
Set the ID base. | |
U32 | getIdBase () const |
Protected Member Functions | |
FileDownlinkComponentBase (const char *compName="") | |
Construct FileDownlinkComponentBase object. | |
virtual | ~FileDownlinkComponentBase () |
Destroy FileDownlinkComponentBase object. | |
FwIndexType | getNum_cmdIn_InputPorts () const |
FwIndexType | getNum_Run_InputPorts () const |
FwIndexType | getNum_SendFile_InputPorts () const |
FwIndexType | getNum_bufferReturn_InputPorts () const |
FwIndexType | getNum_pingIn_InputPorts () const |
FwIndexType | getNum_cmdRegOut_OutputPorts () const |
FwIndexType | getNum_cmdResponseOut_OutputPorts () const |
FwIndexType | getNum_eventOut_OutputPorts () const |
FwIndexType | getNum_timeCaller_OutputPorts () const |
FwIndexType | getNum_tlmOut_OutputPorts () const |
FwIndexType | getNum_FileComplete_OutputPorts () const |
FwIndexType | getNum_bufferSendOut_OutputPorts () const |
FwIndexType | getNum_pingOut_OutputPorts () const |
bool | isConnected_cmdRegOut_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
bool | isConnected_cmdResponseOut_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
bool | isConnected_eventOut_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
bool | isConnected_timeCaller_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
bool | isConnected_tlmOut_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
bool | isConnected_FileComplete_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
bool | isConnected_bufferSendOut_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
bool | isConnected_pingOut_OutputPort (FwIndexType portNum) |
virtual void | Run_handler (FwIndexType portNum, U32 context)=0 |
Handler for input port Run. | |
virtual Svc::SendFileResponse | SendFile_handler (FwIndexType portNum, const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName, U32 offset, U32 length)=0 |
Handler for input port SendFile. | |
virtual void | bufferReturn_handler (FwIndexType portNum, Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer)=0 |
Handler for input port bufferReturn. | |
virtual void | pingIn_handler (FwIndexType portNum, U32 key)=0 |
Handler for input port pingIn. | |
void | Run_handlerBase (FwIndexType portNum, U32 context) |
Handler base-class function for input port Run. | |
Svc::SendFileResponse | SendFile_handlerBase (FwIndexType portNum, const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName, U32 offset, U32 length) |
Handler base-class function for input port SendFile. | |
void | bufferReturn_handlerBase (FwIndexType portNum, Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer) |
Handler base-class function for input port bufferReturn. | |
void | pingIn_handlerBase (FwIndexType portNum, U32 key) |
Handler base-class function for input port pingIn. | |
virtual void | Run_preMsgHook (FwIndexType portNum, U32 context) |
Pre-message hook for async input port Run. | |
virtual void | bufferReturn_preMsgHook (FwIndexType portNum, Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer) |
Pre-message hook for async input port bufferReturn. | |
virtual void | pingIn_preMsgHook (FwIndexType portNum, U32 key) |
Pre-message hook for async input port pingIn. | |
void | FileComplete_out (FwIndexType portNum, const Svc::SendFileResponse &resp) |
Invoke output port FileComplete. | |
void | bufferSendOut_out (FwIndexType portNum, Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer) |
Invoke output port bufferSendOut. | |
void | pingOut_out (FwIndexType portNum, U32 key) |
Invoke output port pingOut. | |
void | cmdResponse_out (FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse response) |
Emit command response. | |
virtual void | SendFile_cmdHandler (FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &sourceFileName, const Fw::CmdStringArg &destFileName)=0 |
virtual void | Cancel_cmdHandler (FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)=0 |
virtual void | SendPartial_cmdHandler (FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &sourceFileName, const Fw::CmdStringArg &destFileName, U32 startOffset, U32 length)=0 |
void | SendFile_cmdHandlerBase (FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args) |
void | Cancel_cmdHandlerBase (FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args) |
void | SendPartial_cmdHandlerBase (FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args) |
virtual void | SendFile_preMsgHook (FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq) |
Pre-message hook for command SendFile. | |
virtual void | Cancel_preMsgHook (FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq) |
Pre-message hook for command Cancel. | |
virtual void | SendPartial_preMsgHook (FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq) |
Pre-message hook for command SendPartial. | |
void | log_WARNING_HI_FileOpenError (const Fw::StringBase &fileName) const |
void | log_WARNING_HI_FileReadError (const Fw::StringBase &fileName, I32 status) const |
void | log_ACTIVITY_HI_FileSent (const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName) const |
void | log_ACTIVITY_HI_DownlinkCanceled (const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName) const |
void | log_WARNING_HI_DownlinkTimeout (const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName) const |
void | log_WARNING_LO_DownlinkPartialWarning (U32 startOffset, U32 length, U32 filesize, const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName) const |
void | log_WARNING_HI_DownlinkPartialFail (const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName, U32 startOffset, U32 filesize) const |
void | log_WARNING_HI_SendDataFail (const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, U32 byteOffset) const |
void | log_ACTIVITY_HI_SendStarted (U32 fileSize, const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName) const |
void | tlmWrite_FilesSent (U32 arg, Fw::Time _tlmTime=Fw::Time()) const |
void | tlmWrite_PacketsSent (U32 arg, Fw::Time _tlmTime=Fw::Time()) const |
void | tlmWrite_Warnings (U32 arg, Fw::Time _tlmTime=Fw::Time()) const |
Fw::Time | getTime () |
virtual void | lock () |
Lock the guarded mutex. | |
virtual void | unLock () |
Unlock the guarded mutex. | |
![]() | |
ActiveComponentBase (const char *name) | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~ActiveComponentBase () |
Destructor. | |
void | init (NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) |
initialization code | |
virtual void | preamble () |
A function that will be called before the event loop is entered. | |
MsgDispatchStatus | dispatch () |
The function that will dispatching messages. | |
virtual void | finalizer () |
A function that will be called after exiting the loop. | |
![]() | |
QueuedComponentBase (const char *name) | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~QueuedComponentBase () |
Destructor. | |
void | init (NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) |
initialization function | |
Os::Queue::Status | createQueue (FwSizeType depth, FwSizeType msgSize) |
NATIVE_INT_TYPE | getNumMsgsDropped () |
return number of messages dropped | |
void | incNumMsgDropped () |
increment the number of messages dropped | |
![]() | |
PassiveComponentBase (const char *name) | |
Named constructor. | |
virtual | ~PassiveComponentBase () |
Destructor. | |
void | init (NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) |
Initialization function. | |
NATIVE_INT_TYPE | getInstance () const |
![]() | |
ObjBase (const char *name) | |
ObjBase constructor. | |
virtual | ~ObjBase () |
Destructor. | |
void | init () |
Object initializer. | |
Friends | |
class | FileDownlinkComponentBaseFriend |
Friend class for white-box testing. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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Os::Task | m_task |
task object for active component | |
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Os::Queue | m_queue |
queue object for active component | |
Auto-generated base for FileDownlink component.
A component for downlinking files
Definition at line 39 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.hpp.
protected |
Enumerations for numbers of special input ports.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 57 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.hpp.
protected |
Enumerations for numbers of typed input ports.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 62 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.hpp.
protected |
Enumerations for numbers of special output ports.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 70 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.hpp.
protected |
Enumerations for numbers of typed output ports.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 80 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.hpp.
protected |
Command opcodes.
Definition at line 87 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.hpp.
protected |
Event IDs.
Definition at line 94 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.hpp.
protected |
Channel IDs.
Enumerator | |
CHANNELID_FILESSENT | Channel ID for FilesSent. |
CHANNELID_PACKETSSENT | Channel ID for PacketsSent. |
CHANNELID_WARNINGS | Channel ID for Warnings. |
Definition at line 107 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.hpp.
protected |
Construct FileDownlinkComponentBase object.
compName | The component name |
Definition at line 762 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Destroy FileDownlinkComponentBase object.
Definition at line 769 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedpure virtual |
Handler for input port bufferReturn.
portNum | The port number |
fwBuffer | The buffer |
protected |
Handler base-class function for input port bufferReturn.
portNum | The port number |
fwBuffer | The buffer |
Definition at line 1084 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Pre-message hook for async input port bufferReturn.
portNum | The port number |
fwBuffer | The buffer |
Definition at line 1207 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Invoke output port bufferSendOut.
portNum | The port number |
fwBuffer | The buffer |
Definition at line 1244 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedpure virtual |
Handler for command Cancel
Cancel the downlink in progress, if any
opCode | The opcode |
cmdSeq | The command sequence number |
protected |
Base-class handler function for command Cancel
Cancel the downlink in progress, if any
opCode | The opcode |
cmdSeq | The command sequence number |
args | The command argument buffer |
Definition at line 1354 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Pre-message hook for command Cancel.
opCode | The opcode |
cmdSeq | The command sequence number |
Definition at line 1491 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Emit command response.
opCode | The opcode |
cmdSeq | The command sequence number |
response | The command response |
Definition at line 1278 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Invoke output port FileComplete.
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 1229 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
Fw::InputBufferSendPort * Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::get_bufferReturn_InputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum | ) |
Get typed input port at index
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 430 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
Fw::InputCmdPort * Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::get_cmdIn_InputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum | ) |
Get special input port at index
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 393 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
Svc::InputPingPort * Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::get_pingIn_InputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum | ) |
Get typed input port at index
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 441 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
Svc::InputSchedPort * Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::get_Run_InputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum | ) |
Get typed input port at index
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 408 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
Svc::InputSendFileRequestPort * Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::get_SendFile_InputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum | ) |
Get typed input port at index
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 419 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of bufferReturn input ports
Definition at line 801 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of bufferSendOut output ports
Definition at line 867 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of cmdIn input ports
Definition at line 779 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of cmdRegOut output ports
Definition at line 817 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of cmdResponseOut output ports
Definition at line 823 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of eventOut output ports
Definition at line 829 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of FileComplete output ports
Definition at line 861 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of pingIn input ports
Definition at line 807 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of pingOut output ports
Definition at line 873 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of Run input ports
Definition at line 789 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of SendFile input ports
Definition at line 795 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of timeCaller output ports
Definition at line 845 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Get the number of tlmOut output ports
Definition at line 851 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
void Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::init | ( | FwSizeType | queueDepth, |
FwEnumStoreType | instance = 0 |
) |
Initialize FileDownlinkComponentBase object.
queueDepth | The queue depth |
instance | The instance number |
Definition at line 76 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Check whether port bufferSendOut is connected
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 968 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Check whether port cmdRegOut is connected
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 883 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Check whether port cmdResponseOut is connected
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 894 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Check whether port eventOut is connected
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 905 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Check whether port FileComplete is connected
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 957 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Check whether port pingOut is connected
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 979 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Check whether port timeCaller is connected
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 931 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Check whether port tlmOut is connected
portNum | The port number |
Definition at line 942 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Lock the guarded mutex.
Definition at line 2500 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Log event DownlinkCanceled
The File Downlink component canceled downlink of a file
sourceFileName | The source file name |
destFileName | The destination file name |
Definition at line 1763 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Log event FileSent
The File Downlink component successfully sent a file
sourceFileName | The source file name |
destFileName | The destination file name |
Definition at line 1681 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Log event SendStarted
The File Downlink component started a file download.
fileSize | The source file size |
sourceFileName | The source filename |
destFileName | The destination filename |
Definition at line 2273 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Log event DownlinkPartialFail
The File Downlink component has detected a timeout. Downlink has been canceled.
sourceFileName | The source filename |
destFileName | The destination file name |
startOffset | Starting file offset in bytes |
filesize | Size of source file |
Definition at line 2063 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Log event DownlinkTimeout
The File Downlink component has detected a timeout. Downlink has been canceled.
sourceFileName | The source filename |
destFileName | The destination file name |
Definition at line 1845 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Log event FileOpenError
An error occurred opening a file
fileName | The name of the file |
Definition at line 1517 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Log event FileReadError
An error occurred reading a file
fileName | The name of the file |
status | The file status of read |
Definition at line 1589 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Log event SendDataFail
The File Downlink component generated an error when trying to send a data packet.
sourceFileName | The source filename |
byteOffset | Byte offset |
Definition at line 2181 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Log event DownlinkPartialWarning
The File Downlink component has detected a timeout. Downlink has been canceled.
startOffset | Starting file offset in bytes |
length | Number of bytes to downlink |
filesize | Size of source file |
sourceFileName | The source filename |
destFileName | The destination file name |
Definition at line 1927 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedpure virtual |
Handler for input port pingIn.
portNum | The port number |
key | Value to return to pinger |
protected |
Handler base-class function for input port pingIn.
portNum | The port number |
key | Value to return to pinger |
Definition at line 1137 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Pre-message hook for async input port pingIn.
portNum | The port number |
key | Value to return to pinger |
Definition at line 1216 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Invoke output port pingOut.
portNum | The port number |
key | Value to return to pinger |
Definition at line 1259 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
void Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::regCommands | ( | ) |
Register commands with the Command Dispatcher.
Connect the dispatcher first
Definition at line 740 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedpure virtual |
Handler for input port Run.
portNum | The port number |
context | The call order |
protected |
Handler base-class function for input port Run.
portNum | The port number |
context | The call order |
Definition at line 996 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Pre-message hook for async input port Run.
portNum | The port number |
context | The call order |
Definition at line 1198 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedpure virtual |
Handler for command SendFile
Read a named file off the disk. Divide it into packets and send the packets for transmission to the ground.
opCode | The opcode |
cmdSeq | The command sequence number |
sourceFileName | The name of the on-board file to send |
destFileName | The name of the destination file on the ground |
protected |
Base-class handler function for command SendFile
Read a named file off the disk. Divide it into packets and send the packets for transmission to the ground.
opCode | The opcode |
cmdSeq | The command sequence number |
args | The command argument buffer |
Definition at line 1295 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedpure virtual |
Handler for input port SendFile.
portNum | The port number |
sourceFileName | Path of file to downlink |
destFileName | Path to store downlinked file at |
offset | Amount of data in bytes to downlink from file. 0 to read until end of file |
length | Amount of data in bytes to downlink from file. 0 to read until end of file |
protected |
Handler base-class function for input port SendFile.
portNum | The port number |
sourceFileName | Path of file to downlink |
destFileName | Path to store downlinked file at |
offset | Amount of data in bytes to downlink from file. 0 to read until end of file |
length | Amount of data in bytes to downlink from file. 0 to read until end of file |
Definition at line 1049 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Pre-message hook for command SendFile.
opCode | The opcode |
cmdSeq | The command sequence number |
Definition at line 1480 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedpure virtual |
Handler for command SendPartial
Read a named file off the disk from a starting position. Divide it into packets and send the packets for transmission to the ground.
opCode | The opcode |
cmdSeq | The command sequence number |
sourceFileName | The name of the on-board file to send |
destFileName | The name of the destination file on the ground |
startOffset | Starting offset of the source file |
length | Number of bytes to send from starting offset. Length of 0 implies until the end of the file |
protected |
Base-class handler function for command SendPartial
Read a named file off the disk from a starting position. Divide it into packets and send the packets for transmission to the ground.
opCode | The opcode |
cmdSeq | The command sequence number |
args | The command argument buffer |
Definition at line 1413 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Pre-message hook for command SendPartial.
opCode | The opcode |
cmdSeq | The command sequence number |
Definition at line 1502 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
void Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::set_bufferSendOut_OutputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum, |
Fw::InputBufferSendPort * | port | ||
) |
Connect port to bufferSendOut[portNum].
portNum | The port number |
port | The input port |
Definition at line 562 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
void Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::set_cmdRegOut_OutputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum, |
Fw::InputCmdRegPort * | port | ||
) |
Connect port to cmdRegOut[portNum].
portNum | The port number |
port | The input port |
Definition at line 456 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
void Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::set_cmdResponseOut_OutputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum, |
Fw::InputCmdResponsePort * | port | ||
) |
Connect port to cmdResponseOut[portNum].
portNum | The port number |
port | The input port |
Definition at line 470 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
void Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::set_eventOut_OutputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum, |
Fw::InputLogPort * | port | ||
) |
Connect port to eventOut[portNum].
portNum | The port number |
port | The input port |
Definition at line 484 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
void Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::set_FileComplete_OutputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum, |
Svc::InputSendFileCompletePort * | port | ||
) |
Connect port to FileComplete[portNum].
portNum | The port number |
port | The input port |
Definition at line 548 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
void Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::set_pingOut_OutputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum, |
Svc::InputPingPort * | port | ||
) |
Connect port to pingOut[portNum].
portNum | The port number |
port | The input port |
Definition at line 576 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
void Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::set_timeCaller_OutputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum, |
Fw::InputTimePort * | port | ||
) |
Connect port to timeCaller[portNum].
portNum | The port number |
port | The input port |
Definition at line 516 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
void Svc::FileDownlinkComponentBase::set_tlmOut_OutputPort | ( | FwIndexType | portNum, |
Fw::InputTlmPort * | port | ||
) |
Connect port to tlmOut[portNum].
portNum | The port number |
port | The input port |
Definition at line 530 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Write telemetry channel FilesSent
The total number of files sent
arg | The telemetry value |
_tlmTime | Timestamp. Default: unspecified, request from getTime port |
Definition at line 2377 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Write telemetry channel PacketsSent
The total number of packets sent
arg | The telemetry value |
_tlmTime | Timestamp. Default: unspecified, request from getTime port |
Definition at line 2410 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protected |
Write telemetry channel Warnings
The total number of warnings
arg | The telemetry value |
_tlmTime | Timestamp. Default: unspecified, request from getTime port |
Definition at line 2443 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Unlock the guarded mutex.
Definition at line 2506 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.cpp.
friend |
Friend class for white-box testing.
Definition at line 48 of file FileDownlinkComponentAc.hpp.