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Data Types and Data Structures: Primitive Types, Enums, Arrays, and Serializables

This guide will describe the types available in F´. F´ defines both useful short names for primitive types as well as a set of autocoded complex types. The types describe here are available to both the flight software and the ground system unless otherwise noted. Included in this document:

Primitive Types

F´ provides convenient type names for C/C++ primitive types. These are established to simplify the writing of F´ code across multiple systems as well as give an exact definition for each variable used. These types are described in the following table and are available to both the ground system, events, channels, and commands, and the software itself.

F´ Type C/C++ Type Description
BOOL bool C++ boolean
I8 int8_t signed 8-bit integer
I16 int16_t signed 16-bit integer
I32 int32_t signed 32-bit integer
U8 uint8_t unsigned 8-bit integer
U16 uint16_t unsigned 16-bit integer
U32 uint32_t unsigned 32-bit integer
F32 float 32-bit floating point
F64 double 64-bit floating point
NATIVE_INT_TYPE int architecture dependent integer
NATIVE_UINT_TYPE unsigned int architecture dependent unsigned integer
POINTER_CAST integer of sufficient size to store a pointer for the architecture


C/C++ types come from stdint.h and stdbool.h. The last three types above are not of set size but are architecture-dependent. Should a project's architecture not support all these types, see: Configuring F´: Architecture Supported Primitive Types

Polymorphic Type

F´ defines a type for use by the user that can represent any of the primitive types using the same storage space. This is similar to a C union defined with fields of each above type.

Setting Polymorphic Values

The PolyType object can have a value assigned to it via the constructor or the equals operator:

PolyType myInt(123)
PolyType myFloat;
myFloat = 123.03

Getting Polymorphic Values

The value stored in the PolyType object can be retrieved in two ways:

1) Cast the object to the type of the value:

U32 val = (U32)pt;
6) Use the get() method:
U32 val;

In both cases, if the type being retrieved does not match the stored type, the code will assert.

Checking Polymorphic Values

The PolyType instance has isXXX functions for checking what type is being stored, where XXX is the name of the type.

PolyType p(123);
if (p.isU32()) {

Complex Types

The F´ framework supports several types of auto-generated complex types that can be used in the system, including use in software, command, event, and channel types, and even with the F´ ground system. These types are:

  1. Enums: defined enumeration of values
  2. Arrays: fixed-length containers of other types
  3. Serializable: defined composition of other types akin to a C++ struct/class

These can all be designed and used in the modeling of F´ and the C++ implementation is autogenerated.


Enums are a fixed set of values that can be referred to by name, but are stored and transmitted as an integer type. The auto-generator produces a class to wrap the type providing convenience functions.


Arrays are fixed-length containers of other types. They must be type-homogeneous but can store any other single type.


Serializables are field-value compositions of other types. They can be type-heterogeneous and may contain any other type as a value. The autocoder will generate a class with accessor methods for the fields.

C++ Classes

When interacting only in the software and not within the F´ design layer, nor with the ground system the user may use arbitrary C++ class/struct types. If these types are to be passed through a port invocation as an argument, they should be defined as subclasses of the Fw::Serializable and define serialize and deserialize methods to be called to perform the serialization.


F´ supports many different types, including autocoded complex types.