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Svc::ActiveRateGroup Component

1. Introduction

Svc::ActiveRateGroup is an active component that drives a set of components connected to Svc::Sched output ports. It contains an asynchronous input Svc::Cycle port. This port sends a message which wakes the component task. It contains an asynchronous input Svc::Cycle port. This port sends a message which wakes the component task. The task invokes each output port in order, passing an argument indicating the order. It tracks execution time and detects overruns.

2. Requirements

The requirements for Svc::ActiveRateGroup are as follows:

Requirement Description Verification Method
ARG-001 The Svc::ActiveRateGroup component shall be active and will be woken up by an input asynchronous port call Inspection, Unit test
ARG-002 The Svc::ActiveRateGroup component shall invoke its output ports in order, passing the value contained in a table based on port number Unit Test
ARG-003 The Svc::ActiveRateGroup component shall track the time required to execute the rate group and report it as telemetry Unit Test
ARG-004 The Svc::ActiveRateGroup component shall report a warning event when a rate group cycle is started before previous is completed Unit Test

3. Design

3.1 Context

3.1.1 Component Diagram

The Svc::ActiveRateGroup component has the following component diagram:

ActiveRateGroup Diagram

3.1.2 Ports

The Svc::ActiveRateGroup component uses the following port types:

Port Data Type Name Direction Kind Usage
Svc::Cycle CycleIn Input Asynchronous Receive a call to run one cycle of the rate group
Svc::Sched RateGroupMemberOut Output n/a Rate group ports

3.2 Functional Description

The Svc::ActiveRateGroup component has one input port that is called to wake up the task to execute one cycle.

A set of context values are passed in as an array to the configure function:

void configure(NATIVE_INT_TYPE contexts[], NATIVE_INT_TYPE numContexts);

A context value can be used by a component to discriminate between more than one call in the rate group.

The task of the component calls the output ports in order, passing the context from the context list as the port argument.

The component sets a flag when the cycle port is invoked. At the beginning of the rate group execution, the component clears the flag. If it detects that it has been set again at the end of the rate group cycle, it will declare a cycle slip, send an event, and increase the cycle slip counters.

3.3 Scenarios

3.3.1 Rate Group Port Call

As described in the Functional Description section, the Svc::ActiveRateGroup component accepts calls to the CycleIn and invokes the RateGroupMemberOut ports:

    Caller->>ActiveRateGroup: 1. CycleIn
    activate Caller
    activate ActiveRateGroup
    deactivate  ActiveRateGroup 
    loop for each output port
        ActiveRateGroup->>Callee: 2. RateGroupMemberOut[N]
        activate Callee
        activate  ActiveRateGroup
        deactivate  Callee 
        deactivate  ActiveRateGroup 
    deactivate  Caller 

3.4 State

Svc::ActiveRateGroup has no state machines.

3.5 Algorithms

Svc::ActiveRateGroup has no significant algorithms.

4. Dictionaries


5. Module Checklists

Unit Test

6. Unit Testing

To see unit test coverage run fprime-util check --coverage

7. Change Log

Date Description
6/22/2015 Design review edits
7/22/2015 Design review actions
8/10/2015 Updated to cycle input port
8/31/2015 Unit test review updates