Svc::DpManager (Active Component)
1. Introduction
is an active component for managing data products.
It does the following:
Receive requests for buffers to hold data products.
When a client component synchronously requests a data product buffer, request an
from a buffer manager. Return the buffer to the client component so the component can fill it. -
When a client component asynchronously requests a data product buffer, request an
from a buffer manager. Send the buffer to the client component so the component can fill it. -
Receive buffers filled with data products by client components. Upon receiving a buffer, send the buffer out on a port. Another component such as
will process the buffer and then send it back to the buffer manager for deallocation.
2. Requirements
Requirement | Description | Rationale | Verification Method |
SVC-DPMANAGER-001 | Svc::DpManager shall provide an array of ports for synchronously requesting and receiving data product buffers. |
This capability supports the product get port in the auto-generated code for components that define data products. |
Unit test |
SVC-DPMANAGER-002 | Svc::DpManager shall provide arrays of ports for receiving and asynchronously responding to requests for data product buffers. |
This capability supports the product request and product recv ports in the auto-generated code for components that define data products. |
Unit test |
SVC-DPMANAGER-003 | Svc::DpManager shall receive data product buffers and forward them for further processing. |
This requirement provides a pass-through capability for sending data product buffers to downstream components. Svc::DpManager receives data product input on a port of type Fw::DpSend . This input consists of a container ID and an Fw::Buffer B. Svc::DpManager sends B on a port of type Fw::BufferSend . This port type is used by the standard F Prime components for managing and logging data, e.g., Svc::BufferAccumulator , Svc::DpWriter . |
Unit test |
SVC-DPMANAGER-004 | Svc::DpManager shall provide telemetry that reports the number of successful allocations, the number of failed allocations, and the volume of data handled. |
This requirement establishes the telemetry interface for the component. | Unit test |
3. Design
3.1. Component Diagram
The diagram below shows the DpManager
3.2. Ports
has the following ports:
Kind | Name | Port Type | Usage |
async input |
schedIn |
Svc.Sched |
Schedule in port |
sync input |
productGetIn |
[DpManagerNumPorts] Fw.DpGet |
Ports for responding to a data product get from a client component |
async input |
productRequestIn |
[DpManagerNumPorts] Fw.DpRequest |
Ports for receiving data product buffer requests from a client component |
output |
productResponseOut |
[DpManagerNumPorts] Fw.DpResponse |
Ports for sending requested data product buffers to a client component |
output |
bufferGetOut |
[DpManagerNumPorts] Fw.BufferGet |
Ports for getting buffers from a Buffer Manager |
async input |
productSendIn |
[DpManagerNumPorts] Fw.DpSend |
Ports for receiving filled data product buffers from a client component |
output |
productSendOut |
[DpManagerNumPorts] Fw.BufferSend |
Ports for sending filled data product buffers to a downstream component |
time get |
timeGetOut |
Fw.Time |
Time get port |
telemetry |
tlmOut |
Fw.Tlm |
Telemetry port |
event |
eventOut |
Fw.Log |
Event port |
text event |
textEventOut |
Fw.LogText |
Text event port |
3.3. State
maintains the following state:
numSuccessfulAllocations (U32)
: The number of successful buffer allocations. -
numFailedAllocations (U32)
: The number of failed buffer allocations. -
numDataProducts (U32)
: The number of data products handled. -
numBytes (U64)
: The number of bytes handled.
3.4. Compile-Time Setup
The configuration constant DpManagerNumPorts
specifies the number of ports for
requesting data product buffers and for sending filled data products.
3.5. Runtime Setup
No special runtime setup is required.
3.6. Port Handlers
3.6.1. schedIn
The handler for this port sends out the state variables as telemetry.
3.6.2. productGetIn
This handler receives a port number portNum
, a container ID id
, a requested
buffer size size
, and a mutable reference to a buffer B
It does the following:
status = getBuffer(portNum, id, size, B)
. -
3.6.3. productRequestIn
This handler receives a port number portNum
, a container ID id
and a
requested buffer size size
It does the following:
Initialize a local variable
with an invalid buffer. -
status = getBuffer(portNum id, size, B)
. -
(id, B, status)
on portportNum
3.6.4. productSendIn
This handler receives a port number portNum
, a data product ID I
and a
buffer B
It does the following:
. -
on portportNum
3.7. Helper Methods
3.7.1. getBuffer
This function receives a port number portNum
, a container ID id
, a
requested buffer size size
, and a mutable reference to a buffer B
It does the following:
status = FAILURE
. -
B = bufferGetOut_out(portNum, size)
. -
is valid, then atomically incrementnumSuccessfulAllocations
and setstatus = SUCCESS
. -
Otherwise atomically increment
and emit a warning event. -
4. Ground Interface
4.1. Commands
Kind | Name | Description |
async |
Clear event throttling |
4.2. Telemetry
Name | Type | Description |
NumSuccessfulAllocations |
U32 |
The number of successful buffer allocations |
NumFailedAllocations |
U32 |
The number of failed buffer allocations |
NumDataProds |
U32 |
Number of data products handled |
NumBytes |
U32 |
Number of bytes handled |
4.3. Events
Name | Severity | Description |
BufferAllocationFailed |
warning high |
Buffer allocation failed |
5. Example Uses
5.1. Topology Diagrams
The following topology diagrams show how to connect Svc::DpManager
to a client component, a buffer manager, and a data product writer.
The diagrams use the following instances:
: An instance ofSvc::BufferManager
. -
: An instance ofSvc::DpManager
. -
: An instance ofSvc::DpWriter
. -
: A client component that produces data products.productRequestOut
is the specialproduct request
is the specialproduct recv
The connections shown use port zero for requesting, receiving,
and sending data product buffers.
If DpManagerNumPorts
is greater than one, then you can also use other ports,
e.g., port one or port two.
That way you can use one DpManager
instance to support multiple sets of
5.1.1. Synchronously Getting Data Product Buffers
5.1.2. Asynchronously Requesting Data Product Buffers
5.1.3. Sending Data Products
5.2. Sequence Diagrams
5.2.1. Synchronously Getting a Data Product Buffer
activate producer
producer->>dpManager: Request buffer [productGetIn]
dpManager->>bufferManager: Request buffer B [bufferGetOut]
bufferManager-->>dpManager: Return B
dpManager->>dpManager: Store B into producer
dpManager-->>producer: Return SUCCESS
deactivate producer
5.2.2. Asynchronously Requesting a Data Product Buffer
activate producer
activate dpManager
producer-)dpManager: Request buffer [productRequestIn]
dpManager->>bufferManager: Request buffer B [bufferGetOut]
bufferManager-->>dpManager: Return B
dpManager-)producer: Send B [productResponseOut]
deactivate dpManager
deactivate producer
5.2.3. Sending a Data Product
activate producer
activate dpManager
activate dpWriter
producer-)dpManager: Send buffer B [productSendIn]
dpManager-)dpWriter: Send B [productSendOut]
dpWriter->>bufferManager: Deallocate B
bufferManager-->>dpWriter: Return
deactivate dpWriter
deactivate dpManager
deactivate producer