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Svc::FramingProtocol Library

The FramingProtocol library defines the interfaces to the framing and deframing protocols used by the Svc::Framer and Svc::Deframer components. Svc::Framer uses a framing protocol to wrap data in frames for transmission to the ground. Svc::Deframer uses a deframing protocol to extract data from frames received from the ground. The FramingProtocol library allows each of these components to operate with any one of several protocols. Each protocol corresponds to a different implementation of an interface provided by this library.

This library implements default F' protocols that work with the F' Ground Data System (GDS). The F' protocols use the following frame format: frame header, data, hash value. A frame header consists of a four-byte start word 0xDEADBEEF and a four byte data size. The hash value is defined by the Utils::Hash library.

Users may provide new protocols by implementing the abstract classes defined in the FramingProtocol library.

1. Requirements

Requirement Description Verification Method
Svc-FramingProtocol-001 Svc::FramingProtocol shall provide the interface to a protocol for wrapping data in frames for transmission to the ground Unit test
Svc-FramingProtocol-002 Svc::FramingProtocol shall provide the interface to a protocol for extracting data from frames received from the ground Unit test
Svc-FramingProtocol-003 Svc::FramingProtocol shall implement the framing and deframing protocols used by the F Prime GDS Unit test

2. Using the Interface

2.1. Framing

To use the F' framing protocol, do the following:

  1. Instantiate the class FprimeFraming defined in this library.

  2. Instantiate the Svc::Framer component, passing the instance created in step 1 to its setup method.

For an example, see the definition of the instance downlink at Ref/Top/instances.fpp.

To implement and use a new framing protocol, do the following:

  1. Implement the abstract class FramingProtocolInterface as discussed in Section 3.1. This class defines helper operations used when framing a packet.

  2. Implement the abstract class FramingProtocol as discussed in Section 3.1. This class defines the operation of framing a data packet.

  3. Instantiate the class implemented in step 1.

  4. Instantiate the class implemented in step 2, passing the instance created in step 3 to its setup method.

  5. Instantiate the Svc::Framer component, passing the instance created in step 4 to its setup method.

2.2. Deframing

To use the F' deframing protocol, do the following:

  1. Instantiate the class FprimeDeframing defined in this library.

  2. Instantiate the Svc::Deframer component, passing the instance created in step 1 to its setup method.

For an example, see the definition of the instance uplink at Ref/Top/instances.fpp.

To implement and use a new deframing protocol, do the following:

  1. Implement the abstract class DeframingProtocolInterface as discussed in Section 3.2. This class defines helper operations used when deframing a framed packet.

  2. Implement the abstract class DeframingProtocol as discussed in Section 3.2. This class defines the operation of deframing a framed packet.

  3. Instantiate the class implemented in step 1.

  4. Instantiate the class implemented in step 2, passing the instance created in step 3 to its setup method.

  5. Instantiate the Svc::Deframer component, passing the instance created in step 4 to its setup method.

3. Implementing a Protocol

3.1. Framing

To implement a framing protocol, do the following:

  1. Implement the abstract class FramingProtocolInterface.

  2. Use the implementation in step 1 to implement the abstract class FramingProtocol.

Implementations of the framing protocol are allowed to produce zero or one frame for each incoming packet. Producing zero packets is useful when aggregating packets into a larger frame. Producing more than one packet is not permitted.

3.1.1. Implementing FramingProtocolInterface

FramingProtocolInterface defines helper methods for framing data. Typically these methods are implemented by an F Prime component (e.g., Svc::Framer), because they require port invocations. The component Svc::Framer provides an implementation of FramingProtocolInterface that you can use. It does this by inheriting from FramingProtocolInterface and implementing its abstract methods.

To implement FramingProtocolInterface, you must implement the following pure virtual methods:

    virtual Fw::Buffer allocate(const U32 size) = 0;

    virtual void send(Fw::Buffer& outgoing) = 0;

The method allocate should accept a size in bytes and return an Fw::Buffer that (1) points to a memory allocation of at least that size if the allocation succeeded; or (2) has size zero if the allocation failed. A typical implementation invokes a port connected to a memory allocation component.

The method send should send the data stored in the buffer. A typical implementation invokes an Fw::BufferSend port.

3.1.2. Implementing FramingProtocol

FramingProtocol defines the operation of framing a packet. To implement FramingProtocol, you must implement the following pure virtual method:

virtual void frame(const U8* const data, const U32 size, Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType packet_type) = 0;

This method is called with the following arguments:

  • data: A pointer to the data to frame.

  • size: The number of bytes to frame.

  • packet_type: The type of data to frame.

The abstract class FramingProtocol provides a protected member m_interface. This member is a pointer, initially null. After the setup method of FramingProtocol is called, it points to a concrete instance of FramingProtocolInterface.

Your implementation of frame should do the following:

  1. Use m_interface->allocate to allocate a buffer to hold the framed data.

  2. Frame the data into the buffer allocated in step 1.

  3. Use m_interface->send to send the buffer. m_interface->send should be called at most once in any single invocation of frame. Aggregating protocols may only call m_interface->send for occasional invocations of frame.

3.2. Deframing

To implement a deframing protocol, do the following:

  1. Implement the abstract class DeframingProtocolInterface.

  2. Use the implementation in step 1 to implement the abstract class DeframingProtocol.

3.2.1. Implementing DeframingProtocolInterface

DeframingProtocolInterface defines helper methods for deframing data. Typically these methods are implemented by an F Prime component (e.g., Svc::Deframer), because they require port invocations. The component Svc::Deframer provides an implementation of DeframingProtocolInterface that you can use. It does this by inheriting from DeframingProtocolInterface and implementing its abstract methods.

To implement DeframingProtocolInterface, you must implement the following pure virtual methods:

virtual Fw::Buffer allocate(const U32 size) = 0;

virtual void route(Fw::Buffer& data) = 0;

The method allocate should allocate memory, as described in Section 3.1.1.

The method route should send (route) the data stored in the buffer. A typical implementation invokes either an Fw::Com port (e.g., for sending commands) or a Fw::BufferSend port (e.g., for sending file packets).

3.2.2. Implementing DeframingProtocol

DeframingProtocol defines the operation of deframing a packet. To implement DeframingProtocol, you must implement the following pure virtual method:

virtual DeframingStatus deframe(Types::CircularBuffer& buffer, U32& needed) = 0;

This method is called with the following arguments:

  • buffer: A circular buffer holding the data to deframe.

  • needed: A reference for returning the number of bytes needed for deframing.

deframe returns a value of type DeframingStatus indicating what happened.

The abstract class DeframingProtocol provides a protected member m_interface. It operates as described in Section 3.1.2.

Your implementation of deframe should do the following:

  1. Determine how many bytes are needed for deframing, peeking into the circular buffer if necessary (e.g., to read a length).

  2. If that many bytes are available in the circular buffer:

  3. Use m_interface->allocate to allocate an Fw::Buffer to hold the deframed data.

  4. Deframe the data into the allocated buffer. The deframing operation should read, but not delete bytes from, the buffer.

  5. Use m_interface->route to send the buffer.

  6. Set needed to record the number of bytes needed.

  7. Return status.

4. Default F' Implementation

4.1. Framing

The F Prime framing protocol operates as follows:

  1. Compute the size of the data stored in the frame (the "frame data size")

  2. If packet_type is Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN, then the frame data size is the size of the provided data.

  3. Otherwise the frame data size is the size of the provided data plus four bytes for the serialized packet type.

  4. Compute the frame size: frame data size plus frame header size plus hash value size.

  5. Allocate a buffer large enough to hold the frame.

  6. Serialize the start word and frame data size into the buffer. This operation forms the frame header.

  7. Serialize the frame data:

  8. Serialize the packet type if known.

  9. Serialize the provided data. Note: The F Prime GDS assumes that the first four bytes of data are the serialized packet type. Therefore, if the packet type is unknown (no serialization in the previous step), then the first four bytes of the incoming data must contain the serialized packet type.

  10. Calculate and serialize the hash value.

  11. Set the buffer size to the frame size, in case the allocator returned a larger buffer.

  12. Send the buffer.

4.2. Deframing

The F Prime deframing protocol operates as follows:

  1. Check whether at least 8 bytes (the frame header size) are available in the circular buffer. If not, report that many bytes needed and return status.

  2. Read the start word and data size out of the circular buffer.

  3. Compute the frame size: frame header size plus data size plus hash value size.

  4. Check that the frame size is valid. If not, return with error.

  5. Check that the circular buffer has enough bytes for the rest of the frame. If not, report the number of bytes needed and return status.

  6. Validate the hash value. If it is not valid, return status.

  7. Allocate a buffer large enough to hold the frame data. Set its size to be exactly the frame data size.

  8. Serialize the frame data into the buffer.

  9. Send the buffer.

  10. Return success status.

5. Class Diagrams

FramingProtocol Impl Diagram

Diagram view of DeframingProtocol:

DeframingProtocol Impl Diagram

Diagrams generated with SourceTrail

6. Change Log

Date Description
2021-01-30 Initial Draft
2021-02-15 Revised