7 #ifndef Svc_FileManagerComponentAc_HPP 8 #define Svc_FileManagerComponentAc_HPP 18 #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 1 162 #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 1 165 void set_LogText_OutputPort(
214 #if FW_PORT_SERIALIZATION 222 #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 1 225 void set_LogText_OutputPort(
227 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
235 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
241 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
247 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
253 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
259 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
264 #if FW_PORT_SERIALIZATION 275 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
299 const char* compName =
"" 333 #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 1 384 #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 1 389 bool isConnected_LogText_OutputPort(
918 static void m_p_cmdIn_in(
933 static void m_p_pingIn_in(
963 #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 1 void set_eventOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputLogPort *port)
Connect port to eventOut[portNum].
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_FileSizeSucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &fileName, U64 size) const
The File System component began moving a file to a new location.
The File System component began creating a new directory.
Perform a Linux shell command and write the output to a log file.
void AppendFile_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_CreateDirectoryStarted(const Fw::StringBase &dirName) const
The File System component deleted and existing directory without error.
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_RemoveDirectorySucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &dirName) const
virtual void MoveFile_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &sourceFileName, const Fw::CmdStringArg &destFileName)=0
The File System component created a new directory without error.
virtual void MoveFile_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command MoveFile.
virtual void ShellCommand_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command ShellCommand.
void log_WARNING_HI_FileSizeError(const Fw::StringBase &fileName, U32 status) const
FwIndexType getNum_cmdRegOut_OutputPorts() const
virtual void pingIn_handler(FwIndexType portNum, U32 key)=0
Handler for input port pingIn.
void FileSize_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
Base-class handler function for command FileSize.
virtual void RemoveFile_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &fileName, bool ignoreErrors)=0
Auto-generated base for FileManager component.
PlatformSizeType FwSizeType
void ShellCommand_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
FwIndexType getNum_pingIn_InputPorts() const
void pingOut_out(FwIndexType portNum, U32 key)
Invoke output port pingOut.
The File System component executed a shell command that returned status zero.
An error occurred while attempting to move a file.
friend class FileManagerComponentBaseFriend
Friend class for white-box testing.
Enum representing a command response.
virtual void RemoveFile_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command RemoveFile.
bool isConnected_cmdRegOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_MoveFileStarted(const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName) const
PlatformIndexType FwIndexType
Svc::InputPingPort * get_pingIn_InputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
bool isConnected_timeCaller_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_AppendFileSucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &source, const Fw::StringBase &target) const
FileManagerComponentBase(const char *compName="")
Construct FileManagerComponentBase object.
void init()
Object initializer.
bool isConnected_pingOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_CreateDirectorySucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &dirName) const
void set_cmdResponseOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputCmdResponsePort *port)
Connect port to cmdResponseOut[portNum].
The File System component began executing a shell command.
FwIndexType getNum_eventOut_OutputPorts() const
void set_pingOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum, Svc::InputPingPort *port)
Connect port to pingOut[portNum].
FwIndexType getNum_cmdResponseOut_OutputPorts() const
virtual void CreateDirectory_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &dirName)=0
void RemoveFile_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_RemoveDirectoryStarted(const Fw::StringBase &dirName) const
Fw::InputCmdPort * get_cmdIn_InputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_ShellCommandSucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &command) const
void RemoveDirectory_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
FwIndexType getNum_timeCaller_OutputPorts() const
virtual void FileSize_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command FileSize.
virtual void ShellCommand_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &command, const Fw::CmdStringArg &logFileName)=0
An error occurred while attempting to remove a directory.
virtual void CreateDirectory_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command CreateDirectory.
FwIndexType getNum_tlmOut_OutputPorts() const
The File System component began deleting a directory.
void cmdResponse_out(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse response)
Emit command response.
The File System component moved a file to a new location without error.
Append 1 file's contents to the end of another.
bool isConnected_eventOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_FileSizeStarted(const Fw::StringBase &fileName) const
virtual ~FileManagerComponentBase()
Destroy FileManagerComponentBase object.
void MoveFile_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
C++-compatible configuration header for fprime configuration.
virtual void FileSize_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &fileName)=0
Handler for command FileSize.
FwIndexType getNum_cmdIn_InputPorts() const
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_MoveFileSucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName) const
An error occurred while attempting to create a directory.
void log_WARNING_HI_DirectoryRemoveError(const Fw::StringBase &dirName, U32 status) const
Remove a directory, which must be empty.
void pingIn_handlerBase(FwIndexType portNum, U32 key)
Handler base-class function for input port pingIn.
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_AppendFileStarted(const Fw::StringBase &source, const Fw::StringBase &target) const
The File System component returned status non-zero when trying to append 2 files together.
void tlmWrite_Errors(U32 arg, Fw::Time _tlmTime=Fw::Time()) const
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_RemoveFileStarted(const Fw::StringBase &fileName) const
void set_tlmOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputTlmPort *port)
Connect port to tlmOut[portNum].
void set_cmdRegOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputCmdRegPort *port)
Connect port to cmdRegOut[portNum].
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_ShellCommandStarted(const Fw::StringBase &command) const
The File System component appended 2 files without error.
void set_timeCaller_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputTimePort *port)
Connect port to timeCaller[portNum].
void log_WARNING_HI_AppendFileFailed(const Fw::StringBase &source, const Fw::StringBase &target, U32 status) const
void regCommands()
Register commands with the Command Dispatcher.
Channel ID for CommandsExecuted.
The File System component deleted an existing file without error.
An error occurred while attempting to remove a file.
virtual void pingIn_preMsgHook(FwIndexType portNum, U32 key)
Pre-message hook for async input port pingIn.
virtual void AppendFile_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command AppendFile.
virtual void RemoveDirectory_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command RemoveDirectory.
FwIndexType getNum_pingOut_OutputPorts() const
void log_WARNING_HI_ShellCommandFailed(const Fw::StringBase &command, U32 status) const
The File System component executed a shell command that returned status non-zero. ...
The File System component appended 2 files without error.
bool isConnected_cmdResponseOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_WARNING_HI_DirectoryCreateError(const Fw::StringBase &dirName, U32 status) const
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_RemoveFileSucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &fileName) const
void log_WARNING_HI_FileMoveError(const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName, U32 status) const
void tlmWrite_CommandsExecuted(U32 arg, Fw::Time _tlmTime=Fw::Time()) const
void CreateDirectory_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
virtual void RemoveDirectory_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &dirName)=0
bool isConnected_tlmOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_WARNING_HI_FileRemoveError(const Fw::StringBase &fileName, U32 status) const
The File System component began deleting an existing file.
virtual void AppendFile_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &source, const Fw::CmdStringArg &target)=0