31 this->m_protocol = &protocol;
32 protocol.
37 this->m_frame_sent =
38 this->m_protocol->
frame(data, size, packet_type);
79 this->m_frame_sent =
abstract class representing a framing protocol
void comStatusOut_out(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::Success &condition)
Invoke output port comStatusOut.
static void log(const char *format,...)
log a formated string with supplied arguments
Drv::SendStatus framedOut_out(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::Buffer &sendBuffer)
Invoke output port framedOut.
Serializable::SizeType getBuffLength() const
returns current buffer size
Auto-generated base for Framer component.
void setup(FramingProtocolInterface &interface)
setup function called to supply the interface used for allocation and sending
void bufferDeallocate_out(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer)
Invoke output port bufferDeallocate.
U8 * getBuffAddr()
gets buffer address for data filling
Fw::Buffer framedAllocate_out(FwIndexType portNum, U32 size)
Invoke output port framedAllocate.
C++-compatible configuration header for fprime configuration.
uint8_t U8
8-bit unsigned integer
Status returned by the send call.
Framer(const char *const compName)
bool isConnected_comStatusOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void setup(FramingProtocol &protocol)
Setup this component with a supplied framing protocol.
interface supplied to the framing protocol
virtual void frame(const U8 *const data, const U32 size, Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType packet_type)=0
frame a given set of bytes