286 #if FW_QUEUE_REGISTRATION QueueInterface & operator=(const QueueInterface &other) override=delete
assignment operator is forbidden
invalid priority requested
virtual QueueInterface & operator=(const QueueInterface &other)=delete
assignment operator is forbidden
status returned from the queue send function
QueueHandle parent class.
static FwSizeType getNumQueues()
get number of queues system-wide
PlatformSizeType FwSizeType
Default QueueRegistry.
virtual Status receive(U8 *destination, FwSizeType capacity, BlockingType blockType, FwSizeType &actualSize, FwQueuePriorityType &priority)=0
receive a message from the queue
FwSizeType getDepth() const
get the queue's depth in messages
static QueueInterface * getDelegate(QueueHandleStorage &aligned_placement_new_memory)
provide a pointer to a queue delegate object
Unexpected error; can't match with returns.
virtual ~QueueInterface()=default
default queue destructor
virtual void registerQueue(Queue *queue)=0
queue registry callback
virtual ~Queue()
default queue destructor
virtual ~QueueRegistry()=default
Default ~QueueRegistry.
Message will block until space is available.
virtual FwSizeType getMessagesAvailable() const =0
get number of messages available
QueueHandle * getHandle() override
return the underlying queue handle (implementation specific). Delegates to implementation.
virtual QueueHandle * getHandle()=0
return the underlying queue handle (implementation specific)
const QueueString & getName() const
get the queue's name
virtual Status create(const Fw::StringBase &name, FwSizeType depth, FwSizeType messageSize)=0
create queue storage
FwSizeType getMessageSize() const
get the queue's message maximum size
Status send(const U8 *buffer, FwSizeType size, FwQueuePriorityType priority, BlockingType blockType) override
send a message into the queue through delegate
Queue wasn't initialized successfully.
If non-blocking, all the messages have been drained.
C++-compatible configuration header for fprime configuration.
uint8_t U8
8-bit unsigned integer
attempted to send or receive with buffer too large, too small
static Os::Mutex & getStaticMutex()
get static mutex
default queue interface constructor
FwSizeType getMessagesAvailable() const override
get number of messages available
Status create(const Fw::StringBase &name, FwSizeType depth, FwSizeType messageSize) override
create queue storage through delegate
Declarations for Fw::ObjBase and Fw::ObjRegistry.
PlatformQueuePriorityType FwQueuePriorityType
Storage type for OSAL handles.
virtual FwSizeType getMessageHighWaterMark() const =0
get maximum messages stored at any given time
FwSizeType getMessageHighWaterMark() const override
get maximum messages stored at any given time through delegate
message sent/received okay
queue was full when attempting to send a message
virtual Status send(const U8 *buffer, FwSizeType size, FwQueuePriorityType priority, BlockingType blockType)=0
send a message into the queue
Message will return with status when space is unavailable.
Status receive(U8 *destination, FwSizeType capacity, BlockingType blockType, FwSizeType &actualSize, FwQueuePriorityType &priority) override
receive a message from the queue through delegate
Alignment of handle storage.
creating an already created queue