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Data Products

1. Introduction

A data product is any data that is produced by an embedded system, stored on board the system, and transmitted to the ground, typically in priority order. F Prime provides several features for managing the generation, storage, and downlink of data products. In this section, we document those features.

2. Basic Concepts

First we explain some basic concepts.

2.1. Records, Containers, and Dictionaries

F Prime data products are based on records and containers. A record is a basic unit of data. For example, it may be a struct, an array of typed objects of statically known size, or an array of bytes of statically unknown size. A container has an identifier and a priority and stores records. In C++, a container is represented as a class object with member fields that (1) store header data and (2) store an Fw::Buffer object pointing to the memory that stores the records.

The set of all container specifications forms the data product dictionary. To manage the data product dictionary, F Prime uses the same general approach as for commands, telemetry, events, and parameters:

  1. Each component C specifies records and containers. The container IDs are local to C. Typically they have the values 0, 1, 2, ... .

  2. Each instance I of C contributes one container I.c to the dictionary for each container c defined in C. The global identifier for I.c is the base identifier of I plus the local identifier for c. For example, if the base identifier is 0x1000, then the global identifiers might be 0x1000, 0x1001, 0x1002, ... .

  3. For any topology T, the global identifiers I.c for all the component instances of T form the data product dictionary for T.

2.2. F Prime Components

Typically a data product system in an F Prime application consists of the following components:

  1. One or more data product producers. These components produce data products and are typically mission-specific. For example, they may produce science data.

  2. Standard F Prime components for managing data products.

  3. A data product manager. This component allocates memory for empty containers. It also forwards filled containers to the data product writer. See Svc::DpManager.

  4. A data product writer. This component receives filled containers from data product producers. It writes the contents of the containers to non-volatile storage. See Svc::DpWriter.

  5. A data product catalog. This component maintains a database of available data products. By command, it downlinks and deletes data products. See Svc::DpCatalog.

  6. A data product processor. This component is not yet developed. When it is developed, it will perform in-memory processing on data product containers.

Note that when using data products, you need to develop only the producer components. The other components are provided by F Prime.

3. Producer Components

In this section we provide more detail about producer components.

3.1. Activities

A producer component typically repeats the following activities, as often as necessary:

  1. Request a container from a data manager component.

  2. When the container is received, serialize records into the container. This action fills the container with data.

  3. When the container is full, send the container to the data product manager, which forwards it to the data product writer.

The FPP model and the autocoded C++ have several features that support these activities. We discuss these features in the following sections.

3.2. FPP Modeling

In this section we summarize the features of the FPP modeling language used in constructing data product producer components. Each of these features is fully documented in The FPP User's Guide and The FPP Language Specification.

3.2.1. Ports

FPP provides the following special ports for managing data products:

  1. A product get port of type Fw::DpGet. This is an output port for synchronously requesting memory from a buffer manager. The request is served on the thread that invokes the port and causes a mutex lock to be taken on that thread. Example syntax:

    product get port productGetOut

  2. A product request port of type Fw::DpRequest. This is an output port for asynchronously requesting memory from a data product manager. The request is served on the thread of the data product manager. This approach incurs the overhead of a separate thread, but it does not require the requesting thread to take a lock. Example syntax:

    product request port productRequestOut

  3. A product receive port of type Fw::DpResponse. This is an input port for receiving an empty container in response to an asynchronous request. Example syntax:

    async product recv port productRecvIn

  4. A product send port of type Fw::DpSend. This is an output port for sending a filled container to a data product writer. Example syntax:

    product send port productSendOut

Each data product producer component must have the following ports in its component model:

  1. One or both of a product get port and a product request port.

  2. A product send port.

A component that has a product request port must also have a product receive port.

3.2.2. Records

A record is a unit of data. When defining a producer component, you can specify one or more records. A record specification consists of a name, a type specifier, and an optional identifier. The type specifier may be one of the following:

  1. An FPP type T. In this case, the record contains a single value of type T. T may be any FPP type, including a struct or array type.

  2. An FPP type T followed by the keyword array. In this case, the record is an array of values of type T of statically unknown size. The size of the array is stored in the record.

In either case, T may be any FPP type, including a struct or array type.

Example syntax:

@ A struct with a fixed-size member array
struct FixedSizeData {
  data: [1024] F32
@ A record containing fixed-size data
product record FixedSizeDataRecord: FixedSizeData id 0x00
@ A record containing a variable-size array
product record F32ArrayRecord: F32 array id 0x01

3.2.3. Containers

A container is a data structure that stores records. When defining a producer component, you can specify one or more containers. Each container specified in a component can store any of the records specified in the component.

A container specification consists of a name, an optional identifier, and an optional default priority. The default priority is the priority to use if no other priority is specified for the container during operations. Example syntax:

product container C1
product container C2 id 0x01 default priority 10

3.3. Autocoded C++

The autocoded C++ base class for a producer component C provides the following API elements:

  1. Enumerations defining the available container IDs, container priorities, and record IDs.

  2. A member class C ::DpContainer. This class is derived from Fw::DpContainer and represents a container specialized to the data products defined in C. Each instance of C ::DpContainer is a wrapper for an Fw::Buffer B, which points to allocated memory. The class provides operations for serializing the records defined in C into the memory pointed to by B. There is one operation C ::DpContainer::serialize_ R for each record R defined in C. For the serialized format of each record, see the documentation for Fw::DpContainer.

  3. If C has a product get port, a member function dpGet_ c for each container c defined in C. This function takes a data size and a reference to a data product container D. It invokes productGetOut, which is typically connected to a data product manager component. In the nominal case, the invocation returns an Fw::Buffer B large enough to store a data product packet with the requested data size. The dpGet function then uses the ID and B to initialize D. It returns a status value indicating whether the buffer allocation succeeded.

  4. If C has a product request port, a member function dpRequest_ c for each container c defined in C. This function takes a data size. It sends out a request on productRequestOut, which is typically connected to a data product manager component. The request is for a buffer large enough to store a data product packet with the requested data size.

  5. If C has a product recv port, a pure virtual member function dpRecv_ c _handler for each container c defined in C. When a fresh container arrives in response to a dpRequest invocation, the autocoded C++ uses the container ID to select and invoke the appropriate dpRecv handler. The implementation of C must override each handler to provide the mission-specific behavior for filling in the corresponding container. The arguments to dpRecv_ c _handler provide (1) a reference to the container, which the implementation can fill in; and (2) a status value indicating whether the container is valid. An invalid container can result if the buffer allocation fails.

  6. A member function dpSend for sending a filled data product container. This function takes a reference to a container c and an optional time tag. It does the following:

  7. If no time tag is provided, then invoke timeGetOut to get the system time and use it to set the time tag.

  8. Store the time tag into c.

  9. Send c on productSendOut.

  10. Constant expressions representing the sizes of the records.

  11. If a record R holds a single value, then the expression SIZE_OF_ R _RECORD evaluates to the size of that record.

  12. Otherwise R is an array record. In this case the expression SIZE_OF_ R _RECORD( size ) evaluates to the size of an array record R with size array elements.

You can use these expressions to compute data sizes when requesting data product buffers. For example, if a component specifies a record Image, then inside the component implementation the expression 10 * SIZE_OF_Image_RECORD represents the size of the storage necessary to hold 10 Image records.

3.4. Unit Test Support

In F Prime, each component C comes with auto-generated classes C TesterBase and C GTestBase for writing unit tests against C. C GTestBase is derived from C TesterBase; it provides test macros based on the Google Test framework.

To write unit tests, you construct a class C Tester. Typically C Tester is derived from C GTestBase and uses the Google Test framework macros. If for some reason you can't use the Google Test framework (e.g., because you are running on a platform that does not support it), then your C Tester class can be derived from C TesterBase.

This section documents the unit test support for producer components.

3.4.1. The TesterBase Class

History data structures: The class C TesterBase provides the following histories:

  1. If C has a product get port, then C TesterBase has a history called productGetHistory. Each element in the history is of type DpGet. DpGet is a struct with fields storing the container ID and the size emitted on the product get port.

  2. If C has a product request port, then C TesterBase has a corresponding history called productRequestHistory. Each element in the history is of type DpRequest. DpRequest is a struct with fields storing the container ID and the size emitted on the product request port.

  3. C TesterBase has a history called productSendHistory. Each element in the history is of type DpSend. DpSend is a struct with fields storing the container ID and a shallow copy of the buffer emitted on the product send port.

History functions: The class C TesterBase provides the following functions for managing the histories:

  1. If C has a product get port, then C TesterBase provides the following functions:

  2. pushProductGetEntry: This function takes a container ID and a size. It constructs the corresponding DpGet history object and pushes it on productGetHistory. Typically this function is called by productGet_handler (see below).

  3. productGet_handler: This function is called when the tester component receives data emitted on the product get port of the component under test. It takes a container ID, a size, and a mutable reference to a buffer B. By default it calls pushProductGetEntry with the ID and size and returns FAILURE, indicating that no memory was allocated and B was not updated. This function is virtual, so you can override it with your own behavior. For example, your function could call pushProductGetEntry, allocate a buffer, store the allocated buffer into B, and return SUCCESS.

  4. If C has a product request port, then C TesterBase provides the following functions:

  5. pushProductRequestEntry: This function takes a container ID and a size. It constructs the corresponding DpRequest history object and pushes it on productRequestHistory. Typically this function is called by productRequest_handler (see below).

  6. productRequest_handler: This function is called when the tester component receives data emitted on the product request port of the component under test. It takes a container ID and a size. By default it calls pushProductRequestEntry with the ID and size. This function is virtual, so you can override it with your own behavior.

  7. C TesterBase provides the following functions:

  8. pushProductSendEntry: This function takes a container ID and a const reference to a buffer. It constructs the corresponding DpSend history object and pushes it on productSendHistory. Typically this function is called by productSend_handler (see below).

  9. productSend_handler: This function is called when the tester component receives data emitted on the product send port of the component under test. It takes a container ID and a const reference to a buffer. By default it calls pushProductSendEntry with the ID and buffer. This function is virtual, so you can override it with your own behavior.

3.4.2. The GTestBase Class

Testing macros: The class C GTestBase provides the following macros for verifying the histories managed by C TesterBase.

  1. If C defines data products and has a product get port, then C GTestBase provides the following macros:

  2. ASSERT_PRODUCT_GET_SIZE(size): This macro checks that productGetHistory has the specified size (number of entries).

  3. ASSERT_PRODUCT_GET(index, id, size): This macro checks that productGetHistory has the specified container ID and size at the specified history index.

  4. If C defines data products and has a product request port, then C GTestBase provides the following macros:

  5. ASSERT_PRODUCT_REQUEST_SIZE(size): This macro checks that productRequestHistory has the specified size (number of entries).

  6. ASSERT_PRODUCT_REQUEST(index, id, size): This macro checks that productRequestHistory has the specified container ID and size at the specified history index.

  7. If C defines data products, then C GTestBase provides the following macros:

  8. ASSERT_PRODUCT_SEND_SIZE(size): This macro checks that productSendHistory has the specified size (number of entries).

  9. ASSERT_PRODUCT_SEND(index, id, priority, timeTag, procType, userData, dataSize, buffer): All the arguments of this macro are inputs (read-only) except buffer, which is a by-reference output and must be a variable of type Fw::Buffer&. This macro verifies the entry entry stored at the specified index of productSendHistory. It does the following:

    1. Check that matches the specified ID.

    2. Deserialize the data product header stored in entry.buffer.

    3. Check that the container ID, priority, time tag, processor type, user data, and data size stored in the deserialized header match the specified values.

    4. Assign entry.buffer to buffer. After this macro runs, the deserialization pointer of buffer points into the start of the data payload of entry.buffer. You can write additional code to deserialize and check the data payload.

Container IDs: The container IDs emitted by the component under test are global IDs. Therefore, when constructing specified IDs you must add the ID base specified in the tester component to the local ID specified in the component under test. For example, for container CONTAINER in component Component, you would write

ID_BASE + Component::ContainerId::CONTAINER
ID_BASE is a standard constant defined in each Tester implementation and provided to the Tester base classes in their constructors.

4. Use Cases

In this section we discuss several common use cases involving data products.

Requesting and sending data products: See the example uses in the documentation for Svc::DpManager. The component referred to as producer in that document is a data product producer.

Writing data products to non-volatile storage: See the example uses in the documentation for Svc::DpWriter. The component referred to as producer in that document is a data product producer.

Cataloging and downlinking data products: For a preliminary implementation of the data product catalog, see Svc::DpCatalog.

Processing data products: TODO