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Svc::DpCatalog Component

1 Introduction

DpCatalog is an active F´ component that manages the downlink of generate data products. The data products were previously generated by components into a project-specific set of directories. Upon command, DpCatalog will build a catalog of data existing products and start downloading them. They are downloaded based on a priority stored in the file and by generation time. DpCatalog also has commands to reprioritize and delete data products.

NOTE: This release has an early prototype that will do the following:

  1. Reads the data product files from the specified directory.
  2. Puts them in priority sorted list.
  3. Sends requests to Svc/FileDownlink to downlink each file in the list.

It does not:

  1. Stop transmissions in progress
  2. Allow insertion of new products after the catalog is built
  3. Clear the catalog via command
  4. Send data product files in pieces. It only sends whole files, so if the downlink is interrupted, the whole file will have to be retransmitted.

Features and more extended unit testing will be added over time. Use at your own risk!

2 Requirements

Requirement Description Rationale Verification Method
SVC-DPCAT-001 DpCatalog shall read a set of directories and build a catalog of data products. DpCatalog needs to know at least one directory where data products reside Test
SVC-DPCAT-002 DpCatalog shall sort data products first based on the internally recorded priority where the highest priority is represented by the lowest number. DpCatalog needs to downlink highest priority items first Test
SVC-DPCAT-003 DpCatalog shall sort data products second based on the internally recorded time with oldest products as higher priority. DpCatalog needs to downlink oldest items first Test
SVC-DPCAT-004 DpCatalog shall sort data products third based on the internally recorded product ID with the lowest as higher priority. DpCatalog needs to resolve case where priority and time match Test
SVC-DPCAT-005 DpCatalog shall update the data product metadata once download is complete DpCatalog needs to track completion status to avoid duplicate downloads Test
SVC-DPCAT-006 DpCatalog shall implement a command and port to build the catalog. DpCatalog should consume the resources to build the catalog only when needed Test
SVC-DPCAT-007 DpCatalog shall implement a command and port to start downloading the catalog. DpCatalog downloads should be timed for when communications are ready, and not consume comm window time building Test
SVC-DPCAT-008 DpCatalog shall have filters for the download based on container ID, priority, and data size limit. DpCatalog downloads should be tunable for available bandwidth and container metadata Test
SVC-DPCAT-009 DpCatalog shall implement a way to insert newly-generated data products into the catalog after the catalog is built DpCatalog should notice new products and not require a rebuild of the catalog Test
SVC-DPCAT-010 DpCatalog shall implement commands to modify the priority of existing data products Operators made change the priority to lower or raise priorities due to troubleshooting, etc Test
SVC-DPCAT-011 DpCatalog shall implement commands to delete data products Ground tools can use DpManager commands to automatically delete DPs Test
SVC-DPCAT-012 DpCatalog shall implement a catalog data product that is a listing of existing data products and their metadata Allow operators to know what products exist Test
SVC-DPCAT-013 DpCatalog shall have filters for the catalog data product for priority, container ID, and time range Allow operators to know what products exist Test

3 Design

3.1 Assumptions

The design of DpCatalog assumes the following:

  1. A file system exists to store the data product files.
  2. The contents of the data product files match the data product specification.
  3. The file downlink will acknowledge completion of each file

3.3 Ports

3.3.1 Role Ports

These ports will be automatically connected in the topology to F Prime services.

Name Role
cmdDisp Receives commands
CmdReg Registers commands
CmdStatus Returns command status
Log Outputs events for ground
LogText Outputs events for console
Time Gets time for time tags
Tlm Outputs telemetry

3.3.2 Component-Specific Ports

Name Type Kind Purpose
pingIn async input Svc.Ping Ping from Health
pingOut output Svc.Ping Ping response to Health
fileOut SendFileRequest output Send next file to downlink
fileDone SendFileComplete async input Last requested file is complete

3.4 Constants

DpCatalog can be statically configured with the following constants:

Constant Purpose
DP_MAX_DIRECTORIES Maximum directories that can be provided for DPs
DP_MAX_FILES Maximum number of files that can be tracked across directories

These constants are located in DpCatalogCfg.hpp in the config directory.

3.5 Configuration

During initialization, the configuration function takes a set of parameters:

        void configure(
            Fw::FileNameString directories[DP_MAX_DIRECTORIES],
            FwSizeType numDirs,
            Fw::FileNameString& stateFile,
            NATIVE_UINT_TYPE memId,
            Fw::MemAllocator& allocator
Parameter Purpose
directories A set of strings up to DP_MAX_DIRECTORIES that are directory names where DPs are written
numDirs The number of supplied directories
stateFile The location of the file tracking product downlink state
memId The id of the RAM memory segment used to store catalog state. Not needed for heap allocation.
allocator Memory allocator for RAM memory storage

3.6 Commands

Command Arguments Description
BUILD_CATALOG none Builds the in-RAM catalog by scanning the directories provided during initialization. Downlink state file will be read in to set downlink state for products
START_XMIT_CATALOG Start transmitting the catalog to the ground in priority order
wait Wait for the transmission to complete before sending command completion status. Used when a sequence wishes to wait for completion before issuing subsequent commands.
STOP_XMIT_CATALOG none Stop existing catalog transmission. Will be completed when the current file is done transmitting. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
CLEAR_CATALOG none Clears existing RAM catalog and resets downlink state. Should be followed by BUILD_CATALOG. Used for recovery if state file gets corrupted or out of sync with file system contents. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET

Sequence of Commands

When the software is first started, the catalog data structure is empty. The catalog must be built before starting downlink. The BUILD_CATALOG command was implemented separately from the START_XMIT_CATALOG command to start downlinking so the software could build the catalog prior to a communication session and execute the downlink during communication. Downlink can be halted by issuing the STOP_XMIT_COMMAND in the middle of the downlink. If for some reason the state in the state file, the contents of the tree and the data products get out of sync, a CLEAR_CATALOG command can be issued. Then the BUILD_CATALOG command can be invoked to rebuild the state based on the existing set of data product files only. This will caused downlinked state to be lost, so data products not deleted after downlink would be readded to the pending list of downlinks.

3.7 Algorithms

3.7.1 Data Product Sorting

Data Products are sorted based on the following metadata in the following order. 1. Data Product Priority - Data products are generated with a priority, where the lower the number the higher the priority. 2. Data Product Generation Time - If priorities are the same, the older data is prioritized over the newer. 3. Data Product ID - If priorities and time are the same (highly unlikely), then lower IDs are prioritized first.

3.7.2 Reading Files

The initialize() function is provided an array of directories where data product files are generated by Svc/DpWriter. When the BUILD_CATALOG command is executed, the headers of the data product files are read and the metadata in their headers is processed and stored as a data structure for sorting. The file name is not stored to conserve memory.

3.7.2 Sorting Algorithm

The data products are sorted using an unbalanced, non-recursive binary tree algorithm based on the following description:

When data products are downlinked, the tree is traversed using a stack as described. As each node is visited, the file is downlinked and the node in the tree is marked with a completed status. In subsequent traversals, the node is passed over.

3.7.3 State File

When a data product is downlinked, it is marked in the node as completed, but the state is also written to a file so that downlinked state is preserved across restarts of the software. When the catalog is built, the state file is first read into a data structure in memory. Then, as

6 Unit Testing