void setBuffer(Fw::ComBuffer &buffer)
set the internal buffer for deserializing values
SerializeStatus extractValue(FwChanIdType &id, Time &timeTag, TlmBuffer &buffer, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE bufferSize)
Fw::ComBuffer & getBuffer()
get buffer to send to the ground
forward declaration for string
SerializeStatus addValue(FwChanIdType id, Time &timeTag, TlmBuffer &buffer)
Add telemetry value to buffer.
SerializeStatus deserialize(SerializeBufferBase &buffer)
Deserialize the packet. For use internally in software. To extract channels, use setBuffer() and extr...
SerializeStatus serialize(SerializeBufferBase &buffer) const
Serialize the packet before sending. For use internally in software. To send to the ground...
SerializeStatus resetPktSer()
Reset serialization of values. This should be done when starting to accumulate a new set of values...
virtual ~TlmPacket()
NATIVE_UINT_TYPE getNumEntries()
get the number of packets added via addValue()
SerializeStatus resetPktDeser()
Reset deserialization. This should be done before extracting values.