F´ Flight Software - C/C++ Documentation
A framework for building embedded system applications to NASA flight quality standards.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CActiveTextLoggerComponentActive text logger component class
 CFw::ByteArrayA variable-length byte array
 CFw::FilePacket::CancelPacketThe type of a cancel packet
 CCFDP::ChecksumClass representing a 32-bit checksum as mandated by the CCSDS File Delivery Protocol
 CSvc::AMPCSSequence::Record::CmdLengthCommand length
 COs::ConditionVariableHandleCondition variable handle parent
 COs::ConditionVariableInterfaceInterface for condition variables
 COs::ConsoleHandleBase class for storing implementation specific handle information
 CFw::ConstByteArrayA variable-length byte array with constant access
 COs::CpuHandleCpu variable handle parent
 COs::CpuInterfaceInterface for cpu implementation
 CSvc::CmdSequencerComponentImpl::FPrimeSequence::CRCContainer for computed and stored CRC values
 CFw::FilePacket::DataPacketThe type of a data packet
 CSvc::DeframingProtocolAbstract base class representing a deframing protocol
 CSvc::DeframingProtocolInterfaceInterface supplied to the deframing protocol
 CSvc::RateGroupDriver::DividerStruct describing a divider
 CSvc::RateGroupDriver::DividerSetStruct containing an array of dividers
 CFw::DpContainerA data product Container
 CFw::FilePacket::EndPacketThe type of an end packet
 CSvc::CmdSequencerComponentImpl::Sequence::EventsSequence event reporting
 COs::FileHandleBase implementation of FileHandle
 CFw::FilePacketA file packet
 CSvc::FramingProtocolAbstract class representing a framing protocol
 CSvc::FramingProtocolInterfaceInterface supplied to the framing protocol
 CUtils::HashA generic interface for creating and comparing hash values
 CFw::DpContainer::HeaderA DpContainer packet header
 CFw::FilePacket::HeaderThe type of a packet header
 CSvc::CmdSequencerComponentImpl::Sequence::HeaderA sequence header
 CDrv::IpSocketHelper base-class for setting up Berkeley sockets
 CSvc::LogFileLogFile struct
 CTypes::MaxHeapA stable max heap data structure
 COs::MemoryHandleMemory variable handle parent
 COs::MemoryInterfaceInterface for memory implementation
 CSvc::BufferLogger::File::ModeThe file mode
 CFw::ObjBaseBrief class description
 CTestUtils::OnChangeChannel< T >A model of an on-change telemetry channel
 CTestUtils::Option< T, noValue >An optional value
 CTestUtils::Option< T >
 CPassiveRateGroupImplExecutes a set of components as part of a rate group
 CFw::FilePacket::PathNameThe type of a path name
 CSvc::HealthImpl::PingEntryStruct for ping entry
 CSvc::ComQueue::QueueConfigurationEntryConfiguration data for each queue
 CSvc::ComQueue::QueueConfigurationTableConfiguration table for each queue
 COs::QueueHandleQueueHandle parent class
 COs::QueueInterfaceBase queue interface
 COs::QueueRegistryQueue registry interface
 CSvc::CmdSequencerComponentImpl::Sequence::RecordA sequence record
 CSvc::AMPCSSequence::RecordAMPCS sequence record
 COs::ScopeLockLocks a mutex within the current scope
 CSvc::CmdSequencerComponentImpl::SequenceA sequence with unspecified binary format
 CSvc::AMPCSSequence::SequenceHeaderAMPCS sequence header
 CSvc::AMPCSSequence::Record::TimeFlag::SerialThe serial representation of a time flag
 CFw::SerializableForward declaration
 CFw::SerializableFileThe type of a packet header
 CDrv::SocketComponentHelperSupports a task to read a given socket adaptation
 CFw::FilePacket::StartPacketThe type of a start packet
 COs::TaskHandleTask handle representation
 COs::Task::TaskRoutineWrapperWrapper for task routine that ensures onStart() is called once the task actually begins
 CSvc::AMPCSSequence::Record::TimeFlagTime flag
 CTimeIntervalA class to represent a time interval holding two U32 seconds and microseconds values
 COs::Generic::UsedTotalGeneric used/total struct
 COs::ValidatedFileA validated file