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Fw::Cmd / Fw::CmdResponse / Fw::CmdReg Ports

1. Introduction

The Fw::Cmd port is used to send a command with encoded arguments to a component.

The Fw::CmdResponse port is used by components to report the completion status of a command.

The Fw::CmdReg port is used by components to register their set of command opcodes.

2. Design

2.1 Context

2.1.1 Port Diagram

The Fw::Cmd ports and types have the following diagram:

Fw::Cmd Diagram

2.1.2 Serializables Fw::PrmBuffer

The Fw::CmdArgBuffer class represents a buffer to store a serialized command argument list.

The Fw::CmdString class represents a string class used for string command arguments.

The Fw::CmdPacket class represents a packet containing a serialized command.

3. Change Log

Date Description
6/25/2015 Initial Version