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1 Introduction

BufferManager is a passive ISF component. It allocates a set of fixed-sized buffers as specified by the user. The overall memory for the buffers is allocated by a memory allocator provided to the component at runtime.

2 Requirements

Requirement Description Rationale Verification Method
FPRIME-BM-001 BufferManager shall allow the specification of multiple bins of buffers based on the size of the buffer Allows for some optimization of memory usage if buffers of varying sizes are needed Test
FPRIME-BM-002 BufferManager shall allocate the first buffer larger than the requested size from the set of unallocated buffers, starting with the smallest set of buffers. If a buffer from a smaller pool is not available, allow using larger buffers to avoid starving the user Test
FPRIME-BM-003 BufferManager shall return an empty buffer (size = 0) if no buffers are available Allow the user to decide how to react to no memory Test
FPRIME-BM-004 BufferManager shall accept empty returned buffers without an assert Just send a warning to cover the case where an empty buffer is returned by a component Test
FPRIME-BM-005 BufferManager shall use a provided Fw::MemAllocator instance to request overall buffer memory Let the user decide where the memory comes from Test
FPRIME-BM-006 BufferManager shall allow buffers to be returned in any order Do not restrict the lifetime or usage of buffers Test

3 Design

3.1 Assumptions

The design of BufferManager assumes the following:

  1. BufferManager has some maximum number of outstanding allocations, set at component initialization, that is never exceeded.

  2. The store maintained by BufferManager has a fixed size, set at component initialization. This fixed size is never exceeded by the outstanding allocations.

3.2 Block Description Diagram (BDD)

BufferManager BDD

3.3 Ports

3.3.1 Role Ports

Name Type Role
timeCaller Fw::Time TimeGet
tlmOut Fw::Tlm Telemetry
eventOut Fw::LogEvent LogEvent

3.3.2 Component-Specific Ports

Name Type Kind Purpose
bufferSendIn Fw::BufferSend guarded input Receives buffers for deallocation
bufferGetCallee Fw::BufferGet guarded input (callee) Receives requests for allocated buffers and returns the buffers
schedIn Svc::Sched sync input (callee) writes telemetry values (optional, if the user doesn't need BufferManager telemetry)

3.4 Constants

BufferManager maintains the following constants:

  • BUFFERMGR_MAX_NUM_BINS: The maximum number of bins (i.e. buffers pool of different sizes)

3.5 State

BufferManager maintains the following state:

  • m_buffers: A set of buffers to allocate to users.

  • AllocatedBuffer::allocated: Indicates whether a particular buffer in the pool has been allocated to the user.

3.6 Port Behavior

3.6.1 bufferGetCallee

When BufferManager receives a request for a buffer of size s on bufferGetCallee, it carries out the following steps:

  1. Search for an unallocated buffer that is big enough to hold the requested buffer size.
  2. Mark the buffer as allocated.
  3. Return the Fw::Buffer instance to the user.
  4. If a free buffer cannot be found, return an empty buffer to the user.

3.6.2 bufferSendIn

When BufferManager receives notification of a free buffer on bufferSendIn, it carries out the following steps:

  1. Check to see if it is an empty buffer. If so, issue a WARNING_LO event and return.
  2. Extract the manager ID and buffer ID from the context member of the Fw::Buffer instance.
  3. If they are valid, use the buffer ID to find the allocated buffer.
  4. Clear the "allocated" flag to make the buffer available again.

3.6.3 schedIn

The schedIn port is optional. It doesn't need to be connected for BufferManager to function correctly. When BufferManager receives a call on this port, it will write all the defined telemetry values.

3.7 Sequence Diagram

The following sequence diagram shows the procedure for sending a buffer from one component to another:

  1. The sending component requests a buffer B on the bufferGetCallee port of BufferManager.

  2. The sending component fills B with data and sends it to the receiving component.

  3. The receiving component uses the data in B. When done, it sends B back to the bufferSendIn port of BufferManager for deallocation.

    Sending Component->>BufferManager: Request buffer
    activate Sending Component
    activate BufferManager
    Sending Component->>Receiving Component: Send buffer
    activate Receiving Component
    deactivate Sending Component
    Receiving Component->>BufferManager: Send buffer
    deactivate BufferManager
    deactivate Receiving Component

3.8 Assertions

BufferManager will assert under the following conditions:

  • A returned buffer has the incorrect manager ID.
  • A returned buffer has an incorrect buffer ID.
  • A returned buffer is returned with a correct buffer ID, but it isn't already allocated.
  • A returned buffer has an indicated size larger than originally allocated.
  • A returned buffer has a pointer different than the one originally allocated.

4 Dictionary


5 Checklists

6 Unit Testing
