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Svc::CmdSequencer Component

1 Introduction

The command sequencer is a component that iterates through a set of commands contained in binary form in a file located in a file system available to the sequencer. A command to the sequencer specifies the file to execute. The file can contain commands that execute immediately, after a delay, or at an absolute time. The sequence will abort if any given command in the sequence returns a failed status.

2 Requirements

The requirements for Svc::CmdSequencer are as follows:

Requirement Description Verification Method Rationale
ISF-CMDS-001 The Svc::CmdSequencer component shall read sequence files. Unit Test CmdSequencer gets commands from the sequence file.
ISF-CMDS-002 The Svc::CmdSequencer component shall validate the sequence files with a CRC. Unit Test CmdSequencer need to know it has a valid file.
ISF-CMDS-003 The Svc::CmdSequencer component shall provide a command to validate the sequence file. Unit Test Waiting to validate the file only when running it can cause operational issues
ISF-CMDS-004 The Svc::CmdSequencer component shall cancel the sequence upon receiving a failed command status. Unit Test A sequence should not continue if a command fails since subsequent commands may depend on the outcome
ISF-CMDS-005 The Svc::CmdSequencer component shall provide a command to cancel the existing sequence Unit Test Operator should be able to cancel the sequence if it is hung or needs to be stopped.
ISF-CMDS-006 The Svc::CmdSequencer component shall provide an overall sequence timeout. Unit Test Sequencer should quit if a component fails to send a command response

3 Design

3.1 Component Context

Component IBD

3.2 Component Interface

Component BDD

3.2.1 Port description table

Port Name Type Direction Usage
cmdRegOut Fw::CmdReg output Framework command registration
cmdIn Fw::Cmd input Framework command input port
cmdResponseOut Fw::CmdResponse output Framework command status port
logOut Fw::Log output Framework binary log output port
LogText Fw::LogText output Framework text log output port
tlmOut Fw::Tlm output Framework telemetry port
timeCaller Fw::Time output Framework time port
pingIn Svc::Ping async input Input ping call
pingOut Svc::Ping output Reply for ping
schedIn Svc::Sched async input Scheduler input - timed commands will be checked
comCmdOut Fw::Com output Sends command buffers for each command in sequence
cmdResponseIn Fw::CmdResponse async input Received status of last dispatched command
seqRunIn Svc::CmdSeqIn async input Receives requests for running sequences from other components
seqDone Fw::CmdResponse output outputs status of sequence run; meant to be used with seqRunIn

3.2.2 Command Handlers CS_Validate

The CS_Validate command will validate that the format and checksum of a sequence file are correct without executing any commands in the file. This allows operators to validate a file prior to executing it. CS_Run

The CS_Run command will execute a sequence. If a prior sequence is still running, it will be canceled. If a command returns a failed status, the sequence will be aborted. CS_Cancel

The CS_Cancel command will cancel an existing sequence. If there is no sequence currently executing, the command will emit a warning event but not fail. CS_Manual

The CS_Manual command will put the sequencer in a manual stepping mode, where the commands will be advanced by the CS_Step command. After entering this mode, the operator should issue a CS_Run command to load the sequence. In this mode, the sequence will be validated and loaded, but will not execute any commands until receiving the CS_Start command CS_Start

The CS_Start command will execute the first command in the sequence in manual mode. CS_Step

The CS_Step command will execute subsequent commands after receiving the CS_Start command. CS_Auto

The CS_Auto command will change the sequencing mode from manual to automatic, which means that the sequencer will automatically execute commands upon loading. This command can only be run when there are no currently executing sequences. If a sequence is executing, a CS_Cancel followed by a CS_Auto will get the sequencer back to executing sequences automatically.

3.2.3 Port Handlers schedIn

The schedIn port checks to see if there is a timed command pending. If the timer for a pending command has expired, the command is dispatched. If there is a command being executed, the command timeout timer is also checked. If it has expired, a warning event is emitted and the sequence is aborted. cmdResponseIn

The cmdResponseIn port is called when a command in a sequence is completed. If the command status is successful, the next command in the sequence is executed. seqRunIn

This port takes a single argument filename of type Fw::String. In general, sending filename on this port has the same effect as issuing a CS_Run command with filename as the file name argument.

If filename is empty, then CmdSequencer runs the sequence stored in the sequence buffer, without loading a sequence first. In order for this to work:

  • You must already have called loadSequence.

  • There must be a valid sequence in the buffer, i.e., loadSequence must have succeeded.

  • You must not have validated or run any sequences since calling loadSequence, since these operations clear the buffer. pingIn

The pingIn port is called by the Svc::Health component to verify that the CmdSequencer thread is still functional. The handler simply takes the provided code and calls the pingOut port.

3.3 Component Structure

3.3.1 Types

The CmdSequencer class defines the following types:

  • Sequence: An abstract class representing a command sequence. It provides the following pure virtual functions, which its concrete subclasses must implement:

    • loadFile: Open a named sequence file from the disk and validate the file. Fill in the member variable m_header of type Sequence::Header with the header information for the current sequence.

    • hasMoreRecords: Return true if and only if there are more records available in the current sequence.

    • nextRecord: Return a Sequence::Record object corresponding to the next record of the current sequence. This function should succeed if hasMoreRecords returns true; otherwise it should assert.

    • reset: Reset the current sequence to the beginning. After calling this function, hasMoreRecords should return true, unless the sequence has zero records.

    • clear: Clear the current sequence. After calling this function, hasMoreRecords should return false.

  • Sequence::Header: A class representing a sequence header. It contains member variables corresponding to the header fields of the F Prime sequence format.

  • Sequence::Record: A class representing a sequence record. It contains member variables corresponding to the record fields of the F Prime sequence format.

  • FPrimeSequence: A concrete subclass of Sequence that implements the virtual functions as follows:

    • loadFile: Open a named sequence file from the disk. Read, deserialize, and store the header. Read the binary records into a serial buffer B. Extract the stored CRC from the file. Check that the file format is valid according to the binary format specified in F Prime Sequence Format. Compute the CRC value of the binary header and records and check it against the stored CRC value.

    • hasMoreRecords: Return true if and only if B has more data.

    • nextRecord: Deserialize and return the next record stored in the serial buffer.

    • reset: Reset B for deserialization.

    • clear: Reset B for serialization.

3.3.2 Configuration setTimeout (Optional)

The setTimeout() public method sets the command timeout value. When a command is being executed by a component, this value specifies a timeout in seconds that will abort the sequence if exceeded. The default value of zero means that there will be no timeout. setSequenceFormat (Optional)

This function has a single argument of type CmdSequencer::Sequence&. By default, CmdSequencer uses an instance of FPrimeSequence to load and run binary sequences conforming to the specification given in F Prime Sequence Format. After you call setSequenceFormat, CmdSequencer uses the object passed in as its argument to load and run sequences. By defining a suitable subclass of CmdSequencer::Sequence& and passing in an instance of this subclass, you can use a project-specific sequence format. You can also change the internal representation for the sequence: for example, you can have the Sequence subclass read the next record from the disk instead of loading the entire sequence into memory (in this case, the loadFile operation would load just the fixed-length header). allocateBuffer

The allocateBuffer() public method passes a memory allocator to provide memory for the sequence buffer needed by cmdSequencer. The user will provide an instance of a sub-class of Fw::MemAllocator that implements memory allocation. An example of this using the heap can be found in Fw/Types/MallocAllocator.hpp. loadSequence (Optional)

This function takes a single argument fileName of type Fw::String. When you call this function, CmdSequencer loads the sequence file fileName into its buffer so that you can execute it later by calling seqRunIn.

This function issues events, so you must connect the event topology before calling this function. deallocateBuffer

The deallocateBuffer() method is used to deallocate the buffer supplied in allocateBuffer() method. It should be called before the destructor.

3.3.3 Data formats F Prime Sequence Format

An F Prime sequence file consists of a header followed by a list of records and a CRC value.

Header: The format for the header is as follows. All numbers must be stored in big-endian format.

Header Field Size (bytes) Description
File Size 4 Size of command record buffer following header
Number of records 4 Number of records in the file
Time Base 2 Time Base for sequence (0xFFFF = don't care)
Context 1 Context for sequence (project specific) 0xFF = don't care

Records: The format for each record is as follows:

Record Field Size (bytes) Description
Descriptor 1 What kind of record it is. 0 = absolute time command, 1 = relative time command, 2 = end of sequence
Command Time 8 Start time of command. Depending on descriptor, will be relative or absolute. First four bytes are seconds of command, second four bytes are microseconds of command.
Record Size 4 Size of command buffer
Command Buffer >= 4 Buffer containing command packet descriptor, command opcode, and zero or more serialized arguments.

CRC value: The last 4 bytes of the file is a CRC of the entire file as computed by Utils/Hash.hpp Sequence File Generator

A utility is provided that will convert a text file listing of commands and their argument to a binary sequence file.

It can be run by invoking:

fprime-seqgen --help

The syntax of the file is as follows:

; - Comment Character. Any text after this will be ignored. Can be anywhere on a line.

Relative Time Command:



R - Relative time descriptor

HH - delay in hours

MM - delay in minutes

SS - delay in seconds

.FFFF - delay in fractions of a second (optional)

MNEMONIC - Command mnemonic in dictionary

A1,A2...AN - any arguments for the command

Immediate Command:

A no delay command is a special case of a relative delay with zero delay specified:

R00:00:00 MNEMONIC A1,A2...AN

Absolute Command:



R - Relative time descriptor

YYYY - Year

DOY - Day of Year

HH - delay in hours

MM - delay in minutes

SS - delay in seconds

.FFFF - delay in fractions of a second (optional)

MNEMONIC - Command mnemonic in dictionary

A1,A2...AN - any arguments for the command

Note that the time is encoded in UTC with an epoch of 1/1/1970.

An example can be seen in the F´ GDS repository under examples/:

3.4 Component State

The CmdSequencer does not have any significant state machines.

3.5 Component Dictionary


3.6 Component Sequences

Execute Sequence

4 Module Checklists

Unit Test

5 Unit Testing

To see unit test coverage run fprime-util check --coverage

6 Change log

Date Change Description
2/26/2017 Version for Design/Code Review
4/6/2017 Version for Unit test
10/30/2017 Revise design to make sequence format configurable