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Note: auto-generated from comments in: ./target/target.cmake


Functions supporting the F prime target additions. These targets allow building against modules and top-level targets. This allows for multi-part builds like sloc or dict where some part applies to the module and is rolled up into some global command. Target files must define two functions add_module_target and add_global_target.

add_global_target Specification:

Adds a global target for the custom target. This handles the top-level target for the build. Think make dict. It is the global root for all of the children module defines. This should call CMake's add_custom_target("${TARGET_NAME}" ...) at some point in the function. Also pass the ALL argument if it should be built as part of a standard build i.e. make.

Arguments passed in: - TARGET_NAME: target name to be added. Must be passed to a call to add_custom_target

add_module_target Specification:

Adds a module-by-module target for this given target. Any subtargets for each module and their commands should be registered via CMake's add_custom_target("${TARGET_NAME}" ...). This command is supplied with all of the modules knowledge. Add a DEPENDS call on AC_OUTPUTS to come after the autocoding step.

Arguments passed in: - MODULE_NAME: name of the module being built. - TARGET_NAME: target name to be added. Must be passed to a call to add_custom_target - AC_INPUTS: list of autocoder inputs. These are Ai.xml files - SOURCE_FILES: list of source file inputs. These are handwritten .cpp and .hpp. - AC_OUTPUTS: list of autocoder outputs. These are Ac.cpp and Ac.hpp files. - MOD_DEPS: list of specified dependencies of target. Use: fprime_ai_info for Ai.xml info

Function get_target_name:

Gets the target name from the path to the target file. Two variants of this name will be generated and placed in parent scope: TARGET_NAME, and TARGET_MOD_NAME.

  • MODULE_NAME: module name for TARGET_MOD_NAME variant
  • Return: TARGET_NAME (set in parent scope), global target name i.e. dict.
  • Return: TARGET_MOD_NAME (set in parent scope), module target name. i.e. Fw_Cfg_dict

Note: TARGET_MOD_NAME not set if optional argument MODULE_NAME not supplied

Function setup_global_targets:

Loops through all targets registered and sets up the global target.

Function setup_global_target:

Setup a given target file in global scope. This also includes the target file once and thus must be called regardless of the actual existence of a global entry point for a given target. All targets must define a function of the form ${TARGET_NAME}_add_global_target though it may be empty.

TARGET_FILE: target file to include

Function setup_single_target:

Setup a given target file's module-specific targets. There are two module-specific target options. The first is a normal module target called through ${TARGET_NAME}add_module_target. This is for setting up items registered through register_fprime_module calls. The second is called through ${TARGET_NAME}_add_deployment_target and responds to calls of register_fprime_deployment. Both add*_target functions must be defined, may be empty implementations. Only one of the two functions will be called for a given module.

TARGET_FILE: target file to include MODULE: module being processed SOURCES: sources specified with set(SOURCE_FILES ...) in module's CMakeLists.txt DEPENDENCIES: dependencies and link libraries specified with set(MOD_DEPS ...) in module's CMakeLists.txt

Function setup_module_targets:

Takes all registered targets and sets up the module specific targets from them. The list of targets is read from the global property FPRIME_TARGET_LIST.

  • MODULE: name of the module being processed
  • SOURCES: sources specified with set(SOURCE_FILES ...) in module's CMakeLists.txt
  • DEPENDENCIES: dependencies and link libraries specified with set(MOD_DEPS ...) in module's CMakeLists.txt

Function recurse_targets:

A helper that pulls out module dependencies that are also fprime modules.

See Also:

  • API: API describes the register_fprime_target function