Mutex does not support operation.
void unLock()
unlock the mutex and assert success
Status release() override
unlock the mutex and get return status
ScopeLock & operator=(const ScopeLock &other)=delete
assignment operator is forbidden
virtual Status release()=0
unlock the mutex return status
MutexHandle * getHandle() override
return the underlying mutex handle (implementation specific)
void unlock()
alias for unLock to meet BasicLockable requirements
Operation was successful.
virtual Status take()=0
lock the mutex return status
virtual MutexHandle * getHandle()=0
return the underlying mutex handle (implementation specific)
Status take() override
lock the mutex and get return status
unlock the scoped mutex
virtual ~MutexInterface()=default
default virtual destructor
C++-compatible configuration header for fprime configuration.
Deadlock condition detected.
ScopeLock(Mutex &mutex)
construct the scope lock
locks a mutex within the current scope
~Mutex() final
Constructor. Mutex is unlocked when created.
default constructor
static MutexInterface * getDelegate(MutexHandleStorage &aligned_new_memory)
provide a pointer to a Mutex delegate object
Alignment of handle storage.
MutexInterface & operator=(const MutexInterface &other)=delete
assignment operator is forbidden
void lock()
lock the mutex and assert success