13 #ifndef Fw_SerialBuffer_HPP 14 #define Fw_SerialBuffer_HPP PlatformUIntType NATIVE_UINT_TYPE
NATIVE_UINT_TYPE getBuffCapacity() const
returns capacity, not current size, of buffer
A variable-length serializable buffer.
void fill()
Fill the buffer to capacity with preexisting data.
SerializeStatus pushBytes(const U8 *const addr, const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE n)
Push n bytes onto the buffer.
forward declaration for string
C++-compatible configuration header for fprime configuration.
uint8_t U8
8-bit unsigned integer
SerializeStatus popBytes(U8 *const addr, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE n)
Pop n bytes off the buffer.
SerialBuffer(U8 *const data, const U32 capacity)
U8 * getBuffAddr()
gets buffer address for data filling