F´ Flight Software - C/C++ Documentation
A framework for building embedded system applications to NASA flight quality standards.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include <Os/ValidateFile.hpp>
2 #include <Os/File.hpp>
3 #include <Utils/Hash/Hash.hpp>
4 #include <Os/FileSystem.hpp>
6 namespace Os {
8  File::Status computeHash(const char* fileName, Utils::HashBuffer &hashBuffer) {
10  File::Status status;
12  // Open file:
13  File file;
14  status = file.open(fileName, File::OPEN_READ);
15  if( File::OP_OK != status ) {
16  return status;
17  }
19  // Get the file size:
20  FileSystem::Status fs_status;
21  FwSignedSizeType fileSize = 0;
22  fs_status = FileSystem::getFileSize(fileName, fileSize);
23  // fileSize will be used as a NATIVE_INT_TYPE below and thus must cast cleanly to that type
24  if( FileSystem::OP_OK != fs_status) {
25  return File::BAD_SIZE;
26  }
27  const NATIVE_INT_TYPE max_itr = static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(fileSize/VFILE_HASH_CHUNK_SIZE + 1);
29  // Read all data from file and update hash:
30  Utils::Hash hash;
31  hash.init();
33  FwSignedSizeType size = 0;
34  FwSignedSizeType cnt = 0;
35  while( cnt <= max_itr ) {
36  // Read out chunk from file:
37  size = sizeof(buffer);
38  status = file.read(buffer, size, Os::File::WaitType::NO_WAIT);
39  if( File::OP_OK != status ) {
40  return status;
41  }
42  // If end of file, break:
43  if( size == 0 ) {
44  break;
45  }
46  // Add chunk to hash calculation:
47  hash.update(&buffer, static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(size));
48  cnt++;
49  }
50  file.close();
52  // We should not have left the loop because of cnt > max_itr:
53  FW_ASSERT(size == 0);
54  FW_ASSERT(cnt <= max_itr);
56  // Calculate hash:
57  Utils::HashBuffer computedHashBuffer;
58  hash.final(computedHashBuffer);
59  hashBuffer = computedHashBuffer;
61  return status;
62  }
64  File::Status readHash(const char* hashFileName, Utils::HashBuffer &hashBuffer) {
66  File::Status status;
68  // Open hash file:
69  File hashFile;
70  status = hashFile.open(hashFileName, File::OPEN_READ);
71  if( File::OP_OK != status ) {
72  return status;
73  }
75  // Read hash from checksum file:
76  unsigned char savedHash[HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH];
77  FwSignedSizeType size = hashBuffer.getBuffCapacity();
78  status = hashFile.read(savedHash, size);
79  if( File::OP_OK != status ) {
80  return status;
81  }
82  if( size != static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(hashBuffer.getBuffCapacity()) ) {
83  return File::BAD_SIZE;
84  }
85  hashFile.close();
87  // Return the hash buffer:
88  Utils::HashBuffer savedHashBuffer(savedHash, static_cast<NATIVE_UINT_TYPE>(size));
89  hashBuffer = savedHashBuffer;
91  return status;
92  }
94  File::Status writeHash(const char* hashFileName, Utils::HashBuffer hashBuffer) {
95  // Open hash file:
96  File hashFile;
97  File::Status status;
98  status = hashFile.open(hashFileName, File::OPEN_WRITE);
99  if( File::OP_OK != status ) {
100  return status;
101  }
103  // Write out the hash
104  FwSignedSizeType size = hashBuffer.getBuffLength();
105  status = hashFile.write(hashBuffer.getBuffAddr(), size, Os::File::WaitType::NO_WAIT);
106  if( File::OP_OK != status ) {
107  return status;
108  }
109  if( size != static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(hashBuffer.getBuffLength()) ) {
110  return File::BAD_SIZE;
111  }
112  hashFile.close();
114  return status;
115  }
117  // Enum and function for translating from a status to a validation status:
118  typedef enum {
121  } StatusFileType;
125  switch (type) {
126  case FileType:
127  switch (status) {
128  case File::OP_OK:
130  case File::DOESNT_EXIST:
132  case File::NO_SPACE:
133  return ValidateFile::NO_SPACE;
134  case File::NO_PERMISSION:
136  case File::BAD_SIZE:
138  case File::NOT_OPENED:
140  case File::OTHER_ERROR:
142  default:
143  FW_ASSERT(0, status);
144  }
145  break;
146  case HashFileType:
147  switch (status) {
148  case File::OP_OK:
150  case File::DOESNT_EXIST:
152  case File::NO_SPACE:
153  return ValidateFile::NO_SPACE;
154  case File::NO_PERMISSION:
156  case File::BAD_SIZE:
158  case File::NOT_OPENED:
160  case File::OTHER_ERROR:
162  default:
163  FW_ASSERT(0, status);
164  }
165  break;
166  default:
167  FW_ASSERT(0, type);
168  }
171  }
173  ValidateFile::Status ValidateFile::validate(const char* fileName, const char* hashFileName) {
174  Utils::HashBuffer hashBuffer; // pass by reference - final value is unused
175  return validate(fileName, hashFileName, hashBuffer);
176  }
178  ValidateFile::Status ValidateFile::validate(const char* fileName, const char* hashFileName, Utils::HashBuffer &hashBuffer) {
180  File::Status status;
182  // Read the hash file:
183  Utils::HashBuffer savedHash;
184  status = readHash(hashFileName, savedHash);
185  if( File::OP_OK != status ) {
186  return translateStatus(status, HashFileType);
187  }
189  // Compute the file's hash:
190  Utils::HashBuffer computedHash;
191  status = computeHash(fileName, computedHash);
192  if( File::OP_OK != status ) {
193  return translateStatus(status, FileType);
194  }
196  // Compare hashes and return:
197  if( savedHash != computedHash ){
199  }
201  hashBuffer = savedHash;
204  }
206  ValidateFile::Status ValidateFile::createValidation(const char* fileName, const char* hashFileName, Utils::HashBuffer &hashBuffer) {
208  File::Status status;
210  // Compute the file's hash:
211  status = computeHash(fileName, hashBuffer);
212  if( File::OP_OK != status ) {
213  return translateStatus(status, FileType);
214  }
216  status = writeHash(hashFileName, hashBuffer);
217  if( File::OP_OK != status ) {
218  return translateStatus(status, HashFileType);
219  }
222  }
224  ValidateFile::Status ValidateFile::createValidation(const char* fileName, const char* hashFileName) {
225  Utils::HashBuffer hashBuffer; // pass by reference - final value is unused
226  return createValidation(fileName, hashFileName, hashBuffer);
227  }
229 }
File doesn&#39;t exist (for read)
Definition: CRC32.hpp:18
No permission to read/write file.
A catch-all for other errors. Have to look in implementation-specific code.
Invalid size parameter.
Status read(U8 *buffer, FwSignedSizeType &size)
read data from this file into supplied buffer bounded by size
Definition: File.cpp:143
Definition: BasicTypes.h:55
No permission to read/write file.
Definition: File.hpp:33
Open file for writing.
Definition: File.hpp:23
Os::FileInterface::Status open(const char *path, Mode mode)
open file with supplied path and mode
Validation file doesn&#39;t exist (for read)
void init()
Definition: CRC32.cpp:47
void final(HashBuffer &buffer)
Definition: CRC32.cpp:64
NATIVE_UINT_TYPE getBuffCapacity() const
The validation of the file passed.
Serializable::SizeType getBuffLength() const
returns current buffer size
No space left.
Definition: File.hpp:32
File doesn&#39;t exist (for read)
Definition: File.hpp:31
Status validate(const char *fileName, const char *hashFileName, Utils::HashBuffer &hashBuffer)
Validate the contents of a file &#39;fileName&#39; against its hash.
File::Status computeHash(const char *fileName, Utils::HashBuffer &hashBuffer)
void close() override
close the file, if not opened then do nothing
Definition: File.cpp:70
A generic interface for creating and comparing hash values.
Definition: Hash.hpp:24
uint8_t U8
8-bit unsigned integer
Definition: BasicTypes.h:30
Status createValidation(const char *fileName, const char *hash, Utils::HashBuffer &hashBuffer)
No space left on the device for writing.
No permission to read/write file.
file hasn&#39;t been opened yet
Definition: File.hpp:35
Operation was successful.
Definition: File.hpp:30
void update(const void *const data, const NATIVE_INT_TYPE len)
Definition: CRC32.cpp:53
A catch-all for other errors. Have to look in implementation-specific code.
Definition: File.hpp:40
Defines a file class to validate files or generate a file validator file.
Open file for reading.
Definition: File.hpp:21
A container class for holding a hash buffer.
Definition: HashBuffer.hpp:26
PlatformSignedSizeType FwSignedSizeType
Definition: FpConfig.h:30
static Status getFileSize(const char *path, FwSignedSizeType &size)
Get the size of the file (in bytes) at the specified path.
Definition: FileSystem.cpp:227
Operation was successful.
Definition: FileSystem.hpp:25
File::Status writeHash(const char *hashFileName, Utils::HashBuffer hashBuffer)
Invalid size parameter.
Definition: File.hpp:34
ValidateFile::Status translateStatus(File::Status status, StatusFileType type)
File::Status readHash(const char *hashFileName, Utils::HashBuffer &hashBuffer)
Status write(const U8 *buffer, FwSignedSizeType &size)
write data to this file from the supplied buffer bounded by size
Definition: File.cpp:163
#define FW_ASSERT(...)
Definition: Assert.hpp:14
The validation of the file did not pass.