7 #ifndef Svc_FileManagerComponentAc_HPP 8 #define Svc_FileManagerComponentAc_HPP 18 #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 1 162 #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 1 165 void set_LogText_OutputPort(
214 #if FW_PORT_SERIALIZATION 222 #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 1 225 void set_LogText_OutputPort(
227 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
235 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
241 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
247 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
253 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
259 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
264 #if FW_PORT_SERIALIZATION 275 Fw::InputSerializePort* port
299 const char* compName =
"" 333 #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 1 384 #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 1 389 bool isConnected_LogText_OutputPort(
918 static void m_p_cmdIn_in(
933 static void m_p_pingIn_in(
963 #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 1 The File System component began deleting a directory.
void set_eventOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputLogPort *port)
Connect port to eventOut[portNum].
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_FileSizeSucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &fileName, U64 size) const
void AppendFile_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_CreateDirectoryStarted(const Fw::StringBase &dirName) const
The File System component created a new directory without error.
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_RemoveDirectorySucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &dirName) const
virtual void MoveFile_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &sourceFileName, const Fw::CmdStringArg &destFileName)=0
virtual void MoveFile_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command MoveFile.
virtual void ShellCommand_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command ShellCommand.
The File System component deleted an existing file without error.
void log_WARNING_HI_FileSizeError(const Fw::StringBase &fileName, U32 status) const
FwIndexType getNum_cmdRegOut_OutputPorts() const
virtual void pingIn_handler(FwIndexType portNum, U32 key)=0
Handler for input port pingIn.
void FileSize_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
Base-class handler function for command FileSize.
Channel ID for CommandsExecuted.
The File System component deleted and existing directory without error.
virtual void RemoveFile_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &fileName, bool ignoreErrors)=0
The File System component appended 2 files without error.
Auto-generated base for FileManager component.
PlatformSizeType FwSizeType
void ShellCommand_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
FwIndexType getNum_pingIn_InputPorts() const
The File System component executed a shell command that returned status zero.
An error occurred while attempting to remove a directory.
void pingOut_out(FwIndexType portNum, U32 key)
Invoke output port pingOut.
An error occurred while attempting to remove a file.
friend class FileManagerComponentBaseFriend
Friend class for white-box testing.
Enum representing a command response.
virtual void RemoveFile_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command RemoveFile.
bool isConnected_cmdRegOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_MoveFileStarted(const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName) const
PlatformIndexType FwIndexType
Svc::InputPingPort * get_pingIn_InputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
bool isConnected_timeCaller_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_AppendFileSucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &source, const Fw::StringBase &target) const
FileManagerComponentBase(const char *compName="")
Construct FileManagerComponentBase object.
void init()
Object initializer.
The File System component executed a shell command that returned status non-zero. ...
bool isConnected_pingOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_CreateDirectorySucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &dirName) const
void set_cmdResponseOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputCmdResponsePort *port)
Connect port to cmdResponseOut[portNum].
FwIndexType getNum_eventOut_OutputPorts() const
void set_pingOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum, Svc::InputPingPort *port)
Connect port to pingOut[portNum].
FwIndexType getNum_cmdResponseOut_OutputPorts() const
The File System component began deleting an existing file.
virtual void CreateDirectory_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &dirName)=0
void RemoveFile_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
Append 1 file's contents to the end of another.
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_RemoveDirectoryStarted(const Fw::StringBase &dirName) const
Fw::InputCmdPort * get_cmdIn_InputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_ShellCommandSucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &command) const
void RemoveDirectory_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
FwIndexType getNum_timeCaller_OutputPorts() const
virtual void FileSize_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command FileSize.
virtual void ShellCommand_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &command, const Fw::CmdStringArg &logFileName)=0
virtual void CreateDirectory_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command CreateDirectory.
FwIndexType getNum_tlmOut_OutputPorts() const
void cmdResponse_out(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse response)
Emit command response.
bool isConnected_eventOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_FileSizeStarted(const Fw::StringBase &fileName) const
virtual ~FileManagerComponentBase()
Destroy FileManagerComponentBase object.
Remove a directory, which must be empty.
void MoveFile_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
C++-compatible configuration header for fprime configuration.
The File System component appended 2 files without error.
virtual void FileSize_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &fileName)=0
Handler for command FileSize.
FwIndexType getNum_cmdIn_InputPorts() const
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_MoveFileSucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName) const
The File System component moved a file to a new location without error.
void log_WARNING_HI_DirectoryRemoveError(const Fw::StringBase &dirName, U32 status) const
void pingIn_handlerBase(FwIndexType portNum, U32 key)
Handler base-class function for input port pingIn.
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_AppendFileStarted(const Fw::StringBase &source, const Fw::StringBase &target) const
void tlmWrite_Errors(U32 arg, Fw::Time _tlmTime=Fw::Time()) const
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_RemoveFileStarted(const Fw::StringBase &fileName) const
void set_tlmOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputTlmPort *port)
Connect port to tlmOut[portNum].
void set_cmdRegOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputCmdRegPort *port)
Connect port to cmdRegOut[portNum].
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_ShellCommandStarted(const Fw::StringBase &command) const
void set_timeCaller_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum, Fw::InputTimePort *port)
Connect port to timeCaller[portNum].
The File System component began moving a file to a new location.
The File System component began creating a new directory.
void log_WARNING_HI_AppendFileFailed(const Fw::StringBase &source, const Fw::StringBase &target, U32 status) const
void regCommands()
Register commands with the Command Dispatcher.
Perform a Linux shell command and write the output to a log file.
virtual void pingIn_preMsgHook(FwIndexType portNum, U32 key)
Pre-message hook for async input port pingIn.
The File System component returned status non-zero when trying to append 2 files together.
virtual void AppendFile_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command AppendFile.
The File System component began executing a shell command.
virtual void RemoveDirectory_preMsgHook(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq)
Pre-message hook for command RemoveDirectory.
FwIndexType getNum_pingOut_OutputPorts() const
void log_WARNING_HI_ShellCommandFailed(const Fw::StringBase &command, U32 status) const
An error occurred while attempting to create a directory.
bool isConnected_cmdResponseOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_WARNING_HI_DirectoryCreateError(const Fw::StringBase &dirName, U32 status) const
void log_ACTIVITY_HI_RemoveFileSucceeded(const Fw::StringBase &fileName) const
An error occurred while attempting to move a file.
void log_WARNING_HI_FileMoveError(const Fw::StringBase &sourceFileName, const Fw::StringBase &destFileName, U32 status) const
void tlmWrite_CommandsExecuted(U32 arg, Fw::Time _tlmTime=Fw::Time()) const
void CreateDirectory_cmdHandlerBase(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, Fw::CmdArgBuffer &args)
virtual void RemoveDirectory_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &dirName)=0
bool isConnected_tlmOut_OutputPort(FwIndexType portNum)
void log_WARNING_HI_FileRemoveError(const Fw::StringBase &fileName, U32 status) const
virtual void AppendFile_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg &source, const Fw::CmdStringArg &target)=0