11 void *
const routine_argument,
const FwSizeType priority,
16 m_routine_argument(routine_argument),
18 m_stackSize(stackSize),
19 m_cpuAffinity(cpuAffinity),
20 m_identifier(identifier)
35 FW_ASSERT(state != Task::State::NOT_STARTED);
37 if (state == Task::State::STARTING) {
39 wrapper.
m_task.m_state = Task::State::RUNNING;
54 Mutex Task::s_taskMutex;
64 if ((Task::s_taskRegistry !=
nullptr) && this->m_registered) {
71 this->
77 state = this->m_state;
90 static_cast<PlatformUIntType>(identifier)));
95 FW_ASSERT(&this->m_delegate == reinterpret_cast<TaskInterface*>(&this->m_handle_storage[0]));
97 this->m_name = arguments.
98 this->m_state = State::STARTING;
100 Arguments wrapped_arguments = arguments;
105 wrapped_arguments.m_routine_argument = &this->m_wrapper;
110 this->m_priority = wrapped_arguments.m_priority;
111 Task::m_lock.unlock();
112 Task::s_taskMutex.
114 Task::s_taskMutex.
117 if (Task::s_taskRegistry) {
118 Task::s_taskRegistry->
119 this->m_registered =
126 FW_ASSERT(&this->m_delegate == reinterpret_cast<TaskInterface*>(&this->m_handle_storage[0]));
135 FW_ASSERT(&this->m_delegate == reinterpret_cast<TaskInterface*>(&this->m_handle_storage[0]));
139 status = this->m_delegate.
142 this->m_state = Task::State::EXITED;
144 this->m_state = Task::State::UNKNOWN;
152 FW_ASSERT(&this->m_delegate == reinterpret_cast<TaskInterface*>(&this->m_handle_storage[0]));
153 this->m_delegate.
155 this->m_state = (suspensionType == Task::SuspensionType::INTENTIONAL) ? State::SUSPENDED_INTENTIONALLY : State::SUSPENDED_UNINTENTIONALLY;
160 FW_ASSERT(&this->m_delegate == reinterpret_cast<TaskInterface*>(&this->m_handle_storage[0]));
161 this->m_delegate.
165 FW_ASSERT(&this->m_delegate == reinterpret_cast<TaskInterface*>(&this->m_handle_storage[0]));
171 return this->m_priority;
175 FW_ASSERT(&this->m_delegate == reinterpret_cast<TaskInterface*>(&this->m_handle_storage[0]));
180 Task::s_taskMutex.
182 Task::s_taskMutex.
187 FW_ASSERT(&this->m_delegate == reinterpret_cast<TaskInterface*>(&this->m_handle_storage[0]));
188 return this->m_delegate.
201 static Task s_singleton;
206 Task::s_taskRegistry = registry;
static Status delay(Fw::TimeInterval interval)
delay the current task
virtual ~TaskInterface()=default
default virtual destructor
TaskHandle * getHandle() override
return the underlying task handle (implementation specific)
Task handle representation.
virtual void resume()=0
resume a suspended task
static Task & getSingleton()
get a reference to singleton
virtual void addTask(Task *task)=0
add supplied task to the registry
virtual Status _delay(Fw::TimeInterval interval)=0
delay the currently scheduled task using the given architecture
State getState()
get the task's state
PlatformSizeType FwSizeType
static void registerTaskRegistry(TaskRegistry *registry)
register a task registry to track Threads
default constructor
Status start(const Arguments &arguments) override
start the task
Status _delay(Fw::TimeInterval interval) override
delay the current task
virtual Status join()=0
block until the task has ended
~Task() final
default virtual destructor
virtual void onStart()=0
perform required task start actions
void * m_user_argument
Argument to user function.
void * m_routine_argument
Arguments(const Fw::StringBase &name, const taskRoutine routine, void *const routine_argument=nullptr, const FwSizeType priority=TASK_DEFAULT, const FwSizeType stackSize=TASK_DEFAULT, const FwSizeType cpuAffinity=TASK_DEFAULT, const PlatformUIntType identifier=static_cast< PlatformUIntType >(TASK_DEFAULT))
construct a set of arguments to start a task
virtual void removeTask(Task *task)=0
remove supplied task to the registry
void unlock()
alias for unLock to meet BasicLockable requirements
static TaskInterface * getDelegate(TaskHandleStorage &aligned_placement_new_memory)
provide a pointer to a task delegate object
bool isCooperative() override
determine if the task is cooperative multitasking (implementation specific)
FwSizeType getPriority()
get the task priority
virtual void suspend(SuspensionType suspensionType)=0
suspend the task given the suspension type
virtual Status start(const Arguments &arguments)=0
start the task
void suspend()
suspend the current task
unsigned int PlatformUIntType
Status join() override
block until the task has ended
static FwSizeType getNumTasks()
get the current number of tasks
static void run(void *task_pointer)
run the task routine wrapper
Wrapper for task routine that ensures onStart() is called once the task actually begins.
Task & m_task
Reference to owning task.
const Os::TaskString m_name
FwSizeType ParamType
backwards-compatible parameter type
void onStart() override
perform delegate's required task start actions
locks a mutex within the current scope
TaskRoutineWrapper(Task &self)
void invokeRoutine()
invoke the task's routine
void resume() override
resume a suspended task
void invoke()
invoke the run method with "self" as argument
taskRoutine m_user_function
User function to run once started.
static void init()
initialize singleton
virtual TaskHandle * getHandle()=0
return the underlying task handle (implementation specific)
void(* taskRoutine)(void *ptr)
Prototype for task routine started in task context.
virtual bool isCooperative()
determine if the task requires cooperative multitasking
void lock()
lock the mutex and assert success